Download WebDNA Applications

WebDNA applications

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Download the Forum
The Graphite Forum is an OpenSource project that was created by Stuart Tremain from IDFK Web Developments in AUSTRALIA. Thanks to WebDNA, this powerful Forum can be easily customized in any possible way you want.
Download AutoSuggest
AutoSuggest is a small WebDNA/ajax script that will search for user input in a field and return suggestions from a database without reloading the page. This works like the Google Suggestion menu.
Download Edit Master
EditMaster allows users to quickly edit their website by clicking on the file through a web browser. The left frame displays the list of all files in the directory specified, and the right frame displays the code for editing.
Get File Upload
Simple example for uploading an image file using WebDNA.
Download the Gift Certificate Templates for StoreBuilder
Addition of a giftcertificate capability on a tab delimited database. Easily integrates into StoreBuilder. Setup Instructions are located inside the readme file.
Download the Appointment Book
Great appointment book and example of doing encrypted templates.
Download the Bar Chart Generator
This simple bar chart generator will create a bar chart from a WebDNA database file. It will scale the values based on the maximum length of the chart and show the visual relationship between the values. - by E. Schieffer
Download the Calendar Example
The include file "" can be used anywhere you want to include a calendar month display. There are three parameters to the include file.
Download the Data Entry Tools
This is a collection of verfication tools for data entry.
Get DB Admin
Olin wrote this small little WebDNA page that you can drop in any directory with WebCatalog databases and have full control over searching, viewing, editing, deleting, and adding records
Download the DHTML news ticker
This code takes the basic styles for a news ticker that you would find on any javascript "free scripts" page and makes it customizable, easily. This is a perfect solution for web designer's that have clients wanting to add a news ticker to their site with the ability to modify the contents of news items without having to call you each time. (Place all the files included in the .zip/.sit into the directory of the site that will be using the news ticker. Obviously, make sure that these files won't overwrite any existing files. You can also place these files in a sub-folder of the site, instructions for files needed to copy over are provided on the last screen of the News Ticker admin.) - Gary J. Krockover
Download the the Master Counter
This WebDNA example will count hits to any page in your site. It automatically figures out the URL of the page that was hit, and the last date the page was accessed. It was inspired by a WebDNA snippet
Download the the PDF Template
This WebDNA example shows how WebDNA can be used, along with a proper PDF template file, to create PDF files on-the-fly. One example creates a custom fax cover page, the other creates Avery address labels (i.e. so you can use WebCatalog for you contact database and print properly aligned labels directly from your browser!).
Download the Random Banner Ads
Random banner ad display and tracking, including click-thrus.
Download the the Tiny Store
Designed to be the simplest store, something you can look at all the code quickly and build with confidence.
Download the Forum
The Graphite Forum is an OpenSource project that was created by Stuart Tremain from IDFK Web Developments in AUSTRALIA. Thanks to WebDNA, this powerful Forum can be easily customized in any possible way you want.
Download AutoSuggest
AutoSuggest is a small WebDNA/ajax script that will search for user input in a field and return suggestions from a database without reloading the page. This works like the Google Suggestion menu.
Download Edit Master
EditMaster allows users to quickly edit their website by clicking on the file through a web browser. The left frame displays the list of all files in the directory specified, and the right frame displays the code for editing.
Get File Upload
Simple example for uploading an image file using WebDNA.
Download the Gift Certificate Templates for StoreBuilder
Addition of a giftcertificate capability on a tab delimited database. Easily integrates into StoreBuilder. Setup Instructions are located inside the readme file.
Download the Appointment Book
Great appointment book and example of doing encrypted templates.
Download the Bar Chart Generator
This simple bar chart generator will create a bar chart from a WebDNA database file. It will scale the values based on the maximum length of the chart and show the visual relationship between the values. - by E. Schieffer
Download the Calendar Example
The include file "" can be used anywhere you want to include a calendar month display. There are three parameters to the include file.
Download the Data Entry Tools
This is a collection of verfication tools for data entry.
Get DB Admin
Olin wrote this small little WebDNA page that you can drop in any directory with WebCatalog databases and have full control over searching, viewing, editing, deleting, and adding records
Download the DHTML news ticker
This code takes the basic styles for a news ticker that you would find on any javascript "free scripts" page and makes it customizable, easily. This is a perfect solution for web designer's that have clients wanting to add a news ticker to their site with the ability to modify the contents of news items without having to call you each time. (Place all the files included in the .zip/.sit into the directory of the site that will be using the news ticker. Obviously, make sure that these files won't overwrite any existing files. You can also place these files in a sub-folder of the site, instructions for files needed to copy over are provided on the last screen of the News Ticker admin.) - Gary J. Krockover
Download the the Master Counter
This WebDNA example will count hits to any page in your site. It automatically figures out the URL of the page that was hit, and the last date the page was accessed. It was inspired by a WebDNA snippet
Download the the PDF Template
This WebDNA example shows how WebDNA can be used, along with a proper PDF template file, to create PDF files on-the-fly. One example creates a custom fax cover page, the other creates Avery address labels (i.e. so you can use WebCatalog for you contact database and print properly aligned labels directly from your browser!).
Download the Random Banner Ads
Random banner ad display and tracking, including click-thrus.
Download the the Tiny Store
Designed to be the simplest store, something you can look at all the code quickly and build with confidence.


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