Technical References - [include]

Include the contents of the specified file.

numero = 247
interpreted = N
texte = [include file=FilePath] Putting [include FilePath] in your template replaces the [include] tag with the contents of the specified file. The included file can use any [xxx] tags that will be substituted as though you had typed the entire contents of the file at that place in the template.

normally all file paths are relative to the local template, or if they begin with "/" they are relative to the web server's virtual host root.

 Optional ParametersDescription
[INCLUDE file=FilePath&raw=T]raw=T means the file should be included unchanged, without performing any [xxx] substitutions.
[INCLUDE file=FilePath&fromCache=F]fromCache=F means a more-recent version of the file should be read from disk, instead of using the cached version in RAM.
[INCLUDE file=FilePath&var1=xx&var2=yy]Passes any variable names (and their values) you choose into the included template, which can then use [var1] anywhere inside it.

Do not use &raw=T and &fromCache=F together Example: [include]

[include file=FilePath]

Putting [include FilePath] in your template replaces the [include] tag with the contents of the specified file. The included file can use any [xxx] tags that will be substituted as though you had typed the entire contents of the file at that place in the template.

normally all file paths are relative to the local template, or if they begin with "/" they are relative to the web server's virtual host root.

 Optional ParametersDescription
[INCLUDE file=FilePath&raw=T]raw=T means the file should be included unchanged, without performing any [xxx] substitutions.
[INCLUDE file=FilePath&fromCache=F]fromCache=F means a more-recent version of the file should be read from disk, instead of using the cached version in RAM.
[INCLUDE file=FilePath&var1=xx&var2=yy]Passes any variable names (and their values) you choose into the included template, which can then use [var1] anywhere inside it.

Do not use &raw=T and &fromCache=F together
Example: [include]


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