numero = 197WebDNA automatically closes databases when it needs more memory, so you typically do not need to use this tag.
Adding 'commit=F' will cause the specified database file to be closed but not written to disk, so any unsaved changes will be lost
Putting [closedatabase db=name.db] in your template causes the specified database file (or full path) to be written and closed. This is only needed for special cases (usually before appending to a file) where you need to change a file perhaps cached in RAM.WebDNA automatically closes databases when it needs more memory, so you typically do not need to use this tag.
Adding 'commit=F' will cause the specified database file to be closed but not written to disk, so any unsaved changes will be lost
A list of available libraries for WebDNA...
WebDNA reference...
WebDNA ModulesA list of the currently available modules...
Technical Change HistoryThis Technical Change History provides a reverse chronological list of WebDNA changes...
AWS Raw WebDNA LAMP-Plus WebServerAmazon Web Services (AWS) README for Machine Image ID...
Tips and TricksA list of user-submitted tips ...
[random]will display a random number...
[replacefounditems]Replaces each found record in a database with the new field values...
[raw]Displays enclosed text without interpreting the [xxx] tags in any way...