Technical References - [uppercase]

Changes all lower case letters to upper case.

numero = 267
interpreted = N
texte = [uppercase charset]Any Text[/uppercase] To convert certain characters to upper case, place them inside an [uppercase] context. Example:
[uppercase]Some Text containing upper- and lower case letters[/uppercase]
In the example above, the displayed text will be SOME TEXT CONTAINING UPPER- AND LOWER CASE LETTERS This context is most often used with [username] and [password] tags, because many web servers do not allow lower case letters to be sent from the browser's realm protection dialog. By ensuring all usernames/passwords entered into a database are uppercase, you can be sure all browsers and web servers will work properly for password authentication. You can optionally change the behavior of uppercase with charset=mac or charset=iso, which causes high-ASCII characters to change case differently depending on which character set your data is.
[uppercase charset=iso]...some text...[/uppercase]
[uppercase charset]Any Text[/uppercase]

To convert certain characters to upper case, place them inside an [uppercase] context.


Some Text containing upper- and lower case letters

In the example above, the displayed text will be


This context is most often used with [username] and [password] tags, because many web servers do not allow lower case letters to be sent from the browser's realm protection dialog. By ensuring all usernames/passwords entered into a database are uppercase, you can be sure all browsers and web servers will work properly for password authentication.

You can optionally change the behavior of uppercase with charset=mac or charset=iso, which causes high-ASCII characters to change case differently depending on which character set your data is.

[uppercase charset=iso]...some text...[/uppercase]


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