Technical References - [flushdatabases]

numero = 259
interpreted = N
texte = Putting [flushdatabases] in your template causes all databases to be written to disk and closed. This is only needed for special cases (usually before appending to a file) where you need to change a file that may be cached in RAM, and you do not know the exact name of the database. WebDNA automatically closes databases when it needs more memory, so you typically do not need to use this tag.

It is important to understand that writing all your databases to disk might take several seconds, depending on the size of your databases and the speed of your disk. In most cases, [commitdatabase] is more appropriate.

Putting [flushdatabases] in your template causes all databases to be written to disk and closed. This is only needed for special cases (usually before appending to a file) where you need to change a file that may be cached in RAM, and you do not know the exact name of the database. WebDNA automatically closes databases when it needs more memory, so you typically do not need to use this tag.

It is important to understand that writing all your databases to disk might take several seconds, depending on the size of your databases and the speed of your disk. In most cases, [commitdatabase] is more appropriate.


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