Technical References - [calcfilecrc32]

calculates the CRC32 value of a given file

numero = 253
interpreted = N
texte = [CalcFileCRC32 file=...] Putting [CalcFileCRC32 file=...] in your template calculates the CRC32 value of a given file.

CRC32 is a 32-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check code, used mainly as an error detection method during data transmission. If the computed CRC bits are different from the original (transmitted) CRC bits, then there has been an error in the transmission. If they are identical, we can assume that no error occured (there is one chance in 4 billion that two different bit streams have the same CRC32). The idea is that the data bits are treated as a data polynomial and the CRC bits represent the remainder of the division of the data polynomial by a fixed, known polynomial (called the CRC polynomial).

[CalcFileCRC32 file=../]
Results: 4016676240l

From version 8.1, if you want to calculate the CRC32 of a string, you can use [CalcCRC32][string][/CalcCRC32]

[text]stringX=balh blah blah blah[/text][CalcCRC32][stringX][/CalcCRC32]
This returns 345965317 [CalcFileCRC32 file=...]

Putting [CalcFileCRC32 file=...] in your template calculates the CRC32 value of a given file.

CRC32 is a 32-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check code, used mainly as an error detection method during data transmission. If the computed CRC bits are different from the original (transmitted) CRC bits, then there has been an error in the transmission. If they are identical, we can assume that no error occured (there is one chance in 4 billion that two different bit streams have the same CRC32). The idea is that the data bits are treated as a data polynomial and the CRC bits represent the remainder of the division of the data polynomial by a fixed, known polynomial (called the CRC polynomial).

[CalcFileCRC32 file=../]


From version 8.1, if you want to calculate the CRC32 of a string, you can use

[text]stringX=balh blah blah blah[/text]

This returns 345965317


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