Technical References - [regex]

[regex] is a full implementation of grep

numero = 1011
interpreted = N
texte = [regex] is a full implementation of grep, starting from version 8.1 of WebDNA. The older implementation of [grep] remains for backward compatibility for its simple search and replace capabilities, however, [regex] is a better choice. Syntax is the same as for [grep], except that it does not have the limitations of our implementation of [grep]

Some specific operators used by [regex] will be interpreted by WebDNA, like "%2B" or "%26" for instance. In this case, it is safer to [url][/url] the operator like in the following

[text]value=\b0%2B[/text][regex search=[value]&replace=][/regex]
[text]value=\b0+[/text][regex search=[url][value][/url]&replace=][/regex]
will both show [regex] is a full implementation of grep, starting from version 8.1 of WebDNA. The older implementation of [grep] remains for backward compatibility for its simple search and replace capabilities, however, [regex] is a better choice.

Syntax is the same as for [grep], except that it does not have the limitations of our implementation of [grep]

Some specific operators used by [regex] will be interpreted by WebDNA, like "%2B" or "%26" for instance. In this case, it is safer to [url][/url] the operator like in the following

[regex search=[value]&replace=][/regex]

[regex search=[url][value][/url]&replace=][/regex]

will both show


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