Technical References - [countchars]

Counts the number of letters inside the context.

numero = 218
interpreted = N
texte = [countchars]Any Text[/countchars] To count the number of letters in something, put the text inside a [countchars] context. Example:
[countchars]Some Text[/countchars]
In the example above, the displayed text will be: 9 The number displayed is the number of characters inside the context -- the count includes carriage returns, tabs, line feeds and other characters that are sometimes invisible. [countchars]Any Text[/countchars]

To count the number of letters in something, put the text inside a [countchars] context.


[countchars]Some Text[/countchars]

In the example above, the displayed text will be:


The number displayed is the number of characters inside the context -- the count includes carriage returns, tabs, line feeds and other characters that are sometimes invisible.


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