Technical References - [xmlnodesattributes]

This context is used to iterate the attributes of a specific XML node.

numero = 286
interpreted = N
texte = [xmlnodesattributes ref=...&path=...] [/xmlnodesattributes] The 'path' parameter is used to locate the node. As with the [xmlnodes] context, the 'path' parameter has three modes; 'named:', 'indexed:', and 'xpath:'. Optional Tag Parameters: · ref - Reference to an xml object variable. If this parameter is not provided, then it is assumed that there is an 'outer' [xmlnode/s] context from which to reference a particular XML node. · path - Path to the desired XML node. If an XPath expression is used, it should evaluate to a single node. Optional Context Tags: · [name] - The name of the current iterated XML node attribute. · [value] - The value of the current iterated XML node attribute. · [index] - The 'count' of the current iterated attribute. · [numfound] - The total 'count' of iterated attributes. Lets use the [xmlnodesattributes] context to retrieve the attributes of the first CD node of the example1.xml file...
[xmlparse var=xml_var1][include file=example1.xml][/xmlparse]
Attributes for the 'CD' node:
[xmlnode ref=xml_var1&path=indexed:1/1][content][/xmlnode]
[xmlnodeattributes ref=xml_var1&path=indexed:1/1][name]=[value][/xmlnodeattributes]
Results... Attributes for the 'CD' node:
<CD status="instock" id="123"><TITLE>Empire Burlesque</TITLE><ARTIST>Bob Dylan</ARTIST><COUNTRY>USA</COUNTRY><COMPANY>Columbia</COMPANY><PRICE>10.90</PRICE><YEAR>1985</YEAR></CD>
Are... id=123 status=instock To simplify the code, we could place the [xmlnodesattributes] context 'inside' of the [xmlnode] context. In this case, we will not need to supply the 'path' or 'ref' parameters to [xmlnodesattributes], since it will use the 'implied' XML node in the outer [xmlnode] context. We use...
[xmlparse var=xml_var1][include file=example1.xml][/xmlparse]
Attributes for the 'CD' node:
[xmlnode ref=xml_var1&path=indexed:1/1][content]
Results... Attributes for the 'CD' node:
<CD status="instock" id="123"><TITLE>Empire Burlesque</TITLE><ARTIST>Bob Dylan</ARTIST><COUNTRY>USA</COUNTRY><COMPANY>Columbia</COMPANY><PRICE>10.90</PRICE><YEAR>1985</YEAR></CD>
Are... id=123 status=instock [xmlnodesattributes ref=...&path=...] [/xmlnodesattributes]

The 'path' parameter is used to locate the node. As with the [xmlnodes] context, the 'path' parameter has three modes; 'named:', 'indexed:', and 'xpath:'.

Optional Tag Parameters:

· ref - Reference to an xml object variable. If this parameter is not provided, then it is assumed that there is an 'outer' [xmlnode/s] context from which to reference a particular XML node.

· path - Path to the desired XML node. If an XPath expression is used, it should evaluate to a single node.

Optional Context Tags:

· [name] - The name of the current iterated XML node attribute.

· [value] - The value of the current iterated XML node attribute.

· [index] - The 'count' of the current iterated attribute.

· [numfound] - The total 'count' of iterated attributes.

Lets use the [xmlnodesattributes] context to retrieve the attributes of the first CD node of the example1.xml file...

[xmlparse var=xml_var1][include file=example1.xml][/xmlparse]

Attributes for the 'CD' node:
[xmlnode ref=xml_var1&path=indexed:1/1]

[xmlnodeattributes ref=xml_var1&path=indexed:1/1]



Attributes for the 'CD' node:
<CD status="instock" id="123">
<TITLE>Empire Burlesque</TITLE>


To simplify the code, we could place the [xmlnodesattributes] context 'inside' of the [xmlnode] context. In this case, we will not need to supply the 'path' or 'ref' parameters to [xmlnodesattributes], since it will use the 'implied' XML node in the outer [xmlnode] context.

We use...
[xmlparse var=xml_var1][include file=example1.xml][/xmlparse]

Attributes for the 'CD' node:
[xmlnode ref=xml_var1&path=indexed:1/1]




Attributes for the 'CD' node:
<CD status="instock" id="123">
<TITLE>Empire Burlesque</TITLE>



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