Technical References - [getmimeheader]

Displays a specific MIME header

numero = 232
interpreted = N
texte = [getmimeheader name=headerName] Putting [getmimeheader name=HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE] in your template displays the value of the MIME header called "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" which is a code representing the human language that the viewer is able to read. Use [listmimeheaders] to see all the headers your browser is sending. [getmimeheader name=headerName]

Putting [getmimeheader name=HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE] in your template displays the value of the MIME header called "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" which is a code representing the human language that the viewer is able to read. Use [listmimeheaders] to see all the headers your browser is sending.


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