
This WebDNA talk-list message is from


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numero = 16126
interpreted = N
texte = Ok, I have a project where I can't use my favorite showifs to figure shipping, but must instead use the shipping table below. I understand how to do lookups, that's not a problem, but what I don't understand is how to do a case function to figure out which price range the subtotal falls into. Please help me--- Merchandise Regular Rush Express Subtotals Delivery Delivery Delivery Up to $15.00............$3.90.......$8.90......$16.90 $15.01-$30.00.....$5.25......$10.25......$17.90 $30.01-$45.00.....$6.90......$11.90......$19.25 $45.01-$65.01.....$8.25......$13.25......$20.90 $65.01-$95.00.....$9.90......$14.90......$22.00 $95.01-$125.00...$11.90......$16.90......$24.00 $125.01+.........$13.90......$18.90......$26.00 Brian B. Burton BOFH --------------------------------------------------------------- MMT Solutions - Specializing in Online Shopping Solutions 973-808-8644 Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Shipping.db (Grant Hulbert 1998)
  2. Re: Shipping.db (Jay Van Vark 1998)
  3. Re: Shipping.db (Michael Winston 1998)
  4. Shipping.db (Brian B. Burton 1998)
Ok, I have a project where I can't use my favorite showifs to figure shipping, but must instead use the shipping table below. I understand how to do lookups, that's not a problem, but what I don't understand is how to do a case function to figure out which price range the subtotal falls into. Please help me--- Merchandise Regular Rush Express Subtotals Delivery Delivery Delivery Up to $15.00............$3.90.......$8.90......$16.90 $15.01-$30.00.....$5.25......$10.25......$17.90 $30.01-$45.00.....$6.90......$11.90......$19.25 $45.01-$65.01.....$8.25......$13.25......$20.90 $65.01-$95.00.....$9.90......$14.90......$22.00 $95.01-$125.00...$11.90......$16.90......$24.00 $125.01+.........$13.90......$18.90......$26.00 Brian B. Burton BOFH --------------------------------------------------------------- MMT Solutions - Specializing in Online Shopping Solutions 973-808-8644 Brian B. Burton


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