Re: many-to-one problem

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numero = 17197
interpreted = N
texte = Hi Peter,I'm glad my suggestion got you started. Writing a temp db and using summ=T to search that db is just what I would have done. Since your application of this technique is not particularly demanding as far as time or resources, writing a temp db is a good solution.>BTW - I discovered some strange behavior: >[appendfile somefile]sometext[/appendfile] >does not put a carriage return at the end of the line, I have to >write it like this: >[appendfile somefile]sometext >[/appendfile] Appendfile and writefile are *supposed* to work like this. if you want a carriage return after the sometext, you have to put it there ... :)Some people get the [append] context confused with [appendfile] -- and they perform very different functions.1- The [append] context writes field values to an existing WebCat database file -- in the proper WebCat database format.2- The [appendfile] context appends EXACTLY what you type into the context -- nothing more and nothing less. Writefile does the same thing, it writes exactly what you enter into the [writefile] context.The only thing that gets changed inside an appendfile (or writefile or sendmail) context are the enclosed WebDNA tags, which are replaced *before* the text is appended. Everything else gets written exactly the way you type it. That's why careful formatting is very important when using appendfile, writefile and sendmail ... :)Sincerely, Ken Grome 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: many-to-one problem (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  2. Re: many-to-one problem (Peter Ostry 1998)
  3. Re: many-to-one problem (PCS Technical Support 1998)
  4. Re: many-to-one problem (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  5. Re: many-to-one problem (Peter Ostry 1998)
  6. Re: many-to-one problem (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  7. Re: many-to-one problem (Peter Ostry 1998)
  8. Re: many-to-one problem (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  9. Re: many-to-one problem (Peter Ostry 1998)
  10. Re: many-to-one problem (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  11. many-to-one problem (Peter Ostry 1998)
Hi Peter,I'm glad my suggestion got you started. Writing a temp db and using summ=T to search that db is just what I would have done. Since your application of this technique is not particularly demanding as far as time or resources, writing a temp db is a good solution.>BTW - I discovered some strange behavior: >[appendfile somefile]sometext[/appendfile] >does not put a carriage return at the end of the line, I have to >write it like this: >[appendfile somefile]sometext >[/appendfile] Appendfile and writefile are *supposed* to work like this. if you want a carriage return after the sometext, you have to put it there ... :)Some people get the [append] context confused with [appendfile] -- and they perform very different functions.1- The [append] context writes field values to an existing WebCat database file -- in the proper WebCat Database format.2- The [appendfile] context appends EXACTLY what you type into the context -- nothing more and nothing less. Writefile does the same thing, it writes exactly what you enter into the [writefile] context.The only thing that gets changed inside an appendfile (or writefile or sendmail) context are the enclosed WebDNA tags, which are replaced *before* the text is appended. Everything else gets written exactly the way you type it. That's why careful formatting is very important when using appendfile, writefile and sendmail ... :)Sincerely, Ken Grome 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions Kenneth Grome


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