Re: emailer don't work

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numero = 17212
interpreted = N
texte = >This is Macintosh, I assume.Yes It is.> >1) Emailer program is inside WebCatalog folder >2) EmailerPrefs file is the following (with domain set to yours): >mail.your>:EMailFolder: This line didn't appear, I put it now.>:EMailCompleted: >:EMailLog: >300 >3) Your WebCatalog Prefs file contains the following:>EMailFolder :EMailFolder: >EMailLogFolder :EMailLog: >CompletedEMailFolder :EMailCompleted This three lines didn't appear in the WebCatalog Prefs file, I put it there, after the Orders line. : >4) Files are appearing inside your WebCatalog:EMailFolder that look like >, and when you open those files they contain to:, from:, >subject:, and body text The WebCatalog:EMailFolder is empty. > >>When I finish the process of buying some products, it never send the >>e-mail, and if I look in the orders folder via the administration pages, >>I see the order but when I click on it, it show only the number of the >>oreder. > >What do the order files look like when you open them with a text editor? The names of the files are like This: 2976115267195 When I open them with a text editor It show this:H 1.4 04/22/1998 18:41:57 0 0 15.00 0.00 L 99112SL 1000 0.14 F F 0 Beer coasters (8.9 x 8.9 cms.) What next? Thanks.Rodolfo de la Garza Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: emailer don't work (listas 1998)
  2. Re: emailer don't work (listas 1998)
  3. Re: emailer don't work (PCS Technical Support 1998)
  4. emailer don't work (listas 1998)
>This is Macintosh, I assume.Yes It is.> >1) Emailer program is inside WebCatalog folder >2) EmailerPrefs file is the following (with domain set to yours): >mail.your>:EMailFolder: This line didn't appear, I put it now.>:EMailCompleted: >:EMailLog: >300 >3) Your WebCatalog Prefs file contains the following:>EMailFolder :EMailFolder: >EMailLogFolder :EMailLog: >CompletedEMailFolder :EMailCompleted This three lines didn't appear in the WebCatalog Prefs file, I put it there, after the Orders line. : >4) Files are appearing inside your WebCatalog:EMailFolder that look like >, and when you open those files they contain to:, from:, >subject:, and body text The WebCatalog:EMailFolder is empty. > >>When I finish the process of buying some products, it never send the >>e-mail, and if I look in the orders folder via the administration pages, >>I see the order but when I click on it, it show only the number of the >>oreder. > >What do the order files look like when you open them with a text editor? The names of the files are like This: 2976115267195 When I open them with a text editor It show this:H 1.4 04/22/1998 18:41:57 0 0 15.00 0.00 L 99112SL 1000 0.14 F F 0 Beer coasters (8.9 x 8.9 cms.) What next? Thanks.Rodolfo de la Garza listas


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