NetForms for mail, sorry

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It keeps the original formatting.
numero = 17923
interpreted = N
texte = Sorry, I was too fast last week, recommending NetForms to send mail from WebCat: It does not work reliable! If you write files into the NetForms folder then clients get ascii 10 (line feed) instead of ascii 13 (carriage return). That does not matter with some email clients but with some it does. Eudora for Mac for example ignores the linefeeds, you get one long line. And I even killed the mailgateway of a customer, which has a 4000 byte buffer and my mail was 4032 bytes long.Peter __________________________________________ Peter Ostry - - Ostry & Partner - Ostry Internet Solutions Auhofstrasse 29 A-1130 Vienna Austria fon ++43-1-8777454 fax ++43-1-8777454-21 Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: NetForms for mail, sorry (Christer Olsson 1998)
  2. Re: NetForms for mail, sorry (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  3. Re: NetForms for mail, sorry (Peter Ostry 1998)
  4. Re: NetForms for mail, sorry (Christer Olsson 1998)
  5. NetForms for mail, sorry (Peter Ostry 1998)
Sorry, I was too fast last week, recommending NetForms to send mail from WebCat: It does not work reliable! If you write files into the NetForms folder then clients get ascii 10 (line feed) instead of ascii 13 (carriage return). That does not matter with some email clients but with some it does. Eudora for Mac for example ignores the linefeeds, you get one long line. And I even killed the mailgateway of a customer, which has a 4000 byte buffer and my mail was 4032 bytes long.Peter __________________________________________ Peter Ostry - - Ostry & Partner - Ostry Internet Solutions Auhofstrasse 29 A-1130 Vienna Austria fon ++43-1-8777454 fax ++43-1-8777454-21 Peter Ostry


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