Re: Checking for blank form fields (sort of...)

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numero = 18346
interpreted = N
texte = >I would expect that if [subject] doesn't exist, it would leave the field >empty, but instead, it always puts the text [subject] in the field, except >when it really is getting passed a value.Yes, that's on purpose to be compatible with HTML pages that happen to have text in them that look like tags. If WebCatalog doesn't recognize a tag, it leaves it alone.So the solution is to compare against the raw text [xxx] like so:[ShowIf [subject]=[raw][subject][/raw]] No subject passed in! [/ShowIf]Technical Support | ==== eCommerce and Beyond ==== Pacific Coast Software | WebCatalog, WebMerchant, 11770 Bernardo Plaza Court | SiteEdit Pro, PhotoMaster, San Diego, CA 92128 | Typhoon 619/675-1106 Fax: 619/675-0372 | Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Checking for blank form fields (sort of...) (PCS Technical Support 1998)
  2. Re: Checking for blank form fields (sort of...) (Rob Marquardt 1998)
  3. Re: Checking for blank form fields (sort of...) (John Hill 1998)
  4. Checking for blank form fields (sort of...) (Dan Keldsen 1998)
  5. Re: Checking for blank form fields (sort of...) (Gary Richter 1998)
>I would expect that if [subject] doesn't exist, it would leave the field >empty, but instead, it always puts the text [subject] in the field, except >when it really is getting passed a value.Yes, that's on purpose to be compatible with HTML pages that happen to have text in them that look like tags. If WebCatalog doesn't recognize a tag, it leaves it alone.So the solution is to compare against the raw text [xxx] like so:[ShowIf [subject]=[raw][subject][/raw]] No subject passed in! [/ShowIf]Technical Support | ==== eCommerce and Beyond ==== Pacific Coast Software | WebCatalog, WebMerchant, 11770 Bernardo Plaza Court | SiteEdit Pro, PhotoMaster, San Diego, CA 92128 | Typhoon 619/675-1106 Fax: 619/675-0372 | PCS Technical Support


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