Upload Plugin

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numero = 20828
interpreted = N
texte = Sorry for the duplicate post.What upload plugin would you recommend for use with webten? I will be using it in a classifieds section. They get to post for free, unless they want to post a picture, in which case I ask for a nominal fee, to be paid by credit card. If the card is approved, then they will have the opportunity to upload their picture file.Robert Minor _________________________________________________________________________ Cybermill Communications webmaster@cybermill.com 8616 Joseph Ave. http://www.cybermill.com St. Louis, MO 63144 (314) 962-4024 _________________________________________________________________________ Purveyors of fine websites and high bandwith. Colocation and domain hosting available.---- Tenon Intersystems' WebTen Mailing List To unsubscribe: send mail to webten-request@tenon.com with the subject: unsubscribe Find searchable Mailing List archives at http://www2.blueworld.com/lists/webten/search.lasso Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Upload Plugin (Peter Ostry 1998)
  2. Re: Upload Plugin (Peter Ostry 1998)
  3. Upload Plugin (Bob Minor 1998)
  4. Upload Plugin (Bob Minor 1998)
Sorry for the duplicate post.What upload plugin would you recommend for use with webten? I will be using it in a classifieds section. They get to post for free, unless they want to post a picture, in which case I ask for a nominal fee, to be paid by credit card. If the card is approved, then they will have the opportunity to upload their picture file.Robert Minor _________________________________________________________________________ Cybermill Communications webmaster@cybermill.com 8616 Joseph Ave. http://www.cybermill.com St. Louis, MO 63144 (314) 962-4024 _________________________________________________________________________ Purveyors of fine websites and high bandwith. Colocation and domain hosting available.---- Tenon Intersystems' WebTen Mailing List To unsubscribe: send mail to webten-request@tenon.com with the subject: unsubscribe Find searchable Mailing List archives at http://www2.blueworld.com/lists/webten/search.lasso Bob Minor


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