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numero = 22085
interpreted = N
texte = WebCat 3.03b1 PI, MACI put this code on a template (tests.html) by itself[FORMVARIABLES] [ORDERFILE file=/6] [/ORDERFILE] [/FORMVARIABLES]When I hit the page submitting *no* variables, this appeared in the ErrorLog.txt:showpage /tests.htmlThe same thing happened when I used[FORMVARIABLES name=trick&exact=T] [ORDERFILE file=/6] [/ORDERFILE] [/FORMVARIABLES]It does not happen without the [ORDERFILE] context.So, it looks like when WebCat executes a [FORMVARIABLES] loop (that has 0 loops) containing an [ORDERFILE], an error appears.This is very similar to the error generated when there is an [ORDERFILE] in a [FOUNDITEMS] with zero items found (which I reported a while back and hasn't yet been fixed).MichaelMichael Winston *By e-mail!: Senior Web Developer *By web!: Dark Horse Comics, Inc. *By fax!: 503/654/9440 Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re(7): Small Bug: ErrorLog.txt/[FORMVARIABLES]/[ORDERFILE] ( (Laurent Bache) 1998)
  2. Re(2): Re(4): Small Bug: ErrorLog.txt/[FORMVARIABLES]/[ORDERFILE] ( (Laurent Bache) 1998)
  3. Re(9): Small Bug: ErrorLog.txt/[FORMVARIABLES]/[ORDERFILE] ( (Laurent Bache) 1998)
  4. Re(9): Small Bug: ErrorLog.txt/[FORMVARIABLES]/[ORDERFILE] ( (Laurent Bache) 1998)
  5. Re: Re(4): Small Bug: ErrorLog.txt/[FORMVARIABLES]/[ORDERFILE] (Will Starck 1998)
  6. Re(8): Small Bug: ErrorLog.txt/[FORMVARIABLES]/[ORDERFILE] ( (Laurent Bache) 1998)
  7. Re(6): Small Bug: ErrorLog.txt/[FORMVARIABLES]/[ORDERFILE] ( (Laurent Bache) 1998)
  8. Re(7): Small Bug: ErrorLog.txt/[FORMVARIABLES]/[ORDERFILE] ( (Laurent Bache) 1998)
  9. Re(8): Small Bug: ErrorLog.txt/[FORMVARIABLES]/[ORDERFILE] ( (Laurent Bache) 1998)
  10. Re(5): Small Bug: ErrorLog.txt/[FORMVARIABLES]/[ORDERFILE] ( (Laurent Bache) 1998)
  11. Re(6): Small Bug: ErrorLog.txt/[FORMVARIABLES]/[ORDERFILE] ( (Laurent Bache) 1998)
  12. Re(7): Small Bug: ErrorLog.txt/[FORMVARIABLES]/[ORDERFILE] ( (Laurent Bache) 1998)
  13. Re(5): Small Bug: ErrorLog.txt/[FORMVARIABLES]/[ORDERFILE] ( (Laurent Bache) 1998)
  14. Re(4): Small Bug: ErrorLog.txt/[FORMVARIABLES]/[ORDERFILE] (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  15. Re(6): Small Bug: ErrorLog.txt/[FORMVARIABLES]/[ORDERFILE] ( (Laurent Bache) 1998)
  16. Re(5): Small Bug: ErrorLog.txt/[FORMVARIABLES]/[ORDERFILE] ( (Laurent Bache) 1998)
  17. Re(4): Small Bug: ErrorLog.txt/[FORMVARIABLES]/[ORDERFILE] (Kimberly D. Wyrick 1998)
  18. Re(4): Small Bug: ErrorLog.txt/[FORMVARIABLES]/[ORDERFILE] ( (Laurent Bache) 1998)
  19. Re(3): Small Bug: ErrorLog.txt/[FORMVARIABLES]/[ORDERFILE] ( (Laurent Bache) 1998)
  20. Re(2): Small Bug: ErrorLog.txt/[FORMVARIABLES]/[ORDERFILE] ( (Laurent Bache) 1998)
  21. Re: Small Bug: ErrorLog.txt/[FORMVARIABLES]/[ORDERFILE] ( (Laurent Bache) 1998)
  22. Small Bug: ErrorLog.txt/[FORMVARIABLES]/[ORDERFILE] (Michael Winston 1998)
WebCat 3.03b1 PI, MACI put this code on a template (tests.html) by itself[formvariables] [ORDERFILE file=/6] [/ORDERFILE] [/FORMVARIABLES]When I hit the page submitting *no* variables, this appeared in the ErrorLog.txt:showpage /tests.htmlThe same thing happened when I used[FORMVARIABLES name=trick&exact=T] [ORDERFILE file=/6] [/ORDERFILE] [/FORMVARIABLES]It does not happen without the [orderfile] context.So, it looks like when WebCat executes a [formvariables] loop (that has 0 loops) containing an [orderfile], an error appears.This is very similar to the error generated when there is an [orderfile] in a [founditems] with zero items found (which I reported a while back and hasn't yet been fixed).MichaelMichael Winston *By e-mail!: Senior Web Developer *By web!: Dark Horse Comics, Inc. *By fax!: 503/654/9440 Michael Winston


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