Admin User - Users.db

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numero = 23007
interpreted = N
texte = Can anyone tell me why I get the following message when I try and delete ANY user from the Users.db? You are not allowed to delete the last ADMIN user, because then you would be unable to administer WebCatalogThere is only one user that is a part if the ADMIN group. I am not trying to delete this user. Any other user, none of which belong to the ADMIN group can be deleted without getting the message above.I looked at the database using bbedit and found it looked normal, that is, encrypted entries etc., but nothing obviously wrong.RH Prouty Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Admin User - Users.db (PCS Technical Support 1999)
  2. Admin User - Users.db (RH Prouty 1999)
Can anyone tell me why I get the following message when I try and delete ANY user from the Users.db? You are not allowed to delete the last ADMIN user, because then you would be unable to administer WebCatalogThere is only one user that is a part if the ADMIN group. I am not trying to delete this user. Any other user, none of which belong to the ADMIN group can be deleted without getting the message above.I looked at the database using bbedit and found it looked normal, that is, encrypted entries etc., but nothing obviously wrong.RH Prouty RH Prouty


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