I need a Smart-quote workaround

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numero = 23017
interpreted = N
texte = Hi all, I redesigning a system that we have up in tango, but I would prefer to have it in web catalog. We have about 100 Nursery growers that upload their available inventory into our system. Most of them use MS excel. So we have smart-quote problems. ie.. 42B&B becomes 42B&B and2+ cal. becomes 2+Cal. Now most of the time they are just placed at the begining and end of records that contain a comma or so I could do a search that finds all records that contain , and write something like [replace db=[db]&sku=[sku]] [showif [field]^,] [GetChars start=2][field][/getchars] and so on for all fields (with the field being replaced as is for fields that don't contain or , and then [replace db=[db]&sku=[sku]] [GetChars from=end&start=2][field][/getchars][/getChars]and so on to chomp off the back smart quote.Except they are not just on the ends, they also place one after the which occurs in almost every record.Now normally what I would do is open the file in bbedit find and replace with `` then find and delete it then find`` and replace with . Can anyone think of a way to get web cat to perform that sequence on a file. I can't get 100 clients to switch from excel to filemaker.ThanksTimTim Taylor Webmaster http://www.growzone.com Tim@versa.com t h e s i t e f o r t h e g r e e n i n d u s t r y 1.888.800.5904 Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: I need a Smart-quote workaround (Tim Taylor 1999)
  2. Re: I need a Smart-quote workaround (PCS Technical Support 1999)
  3. Re: I need a Smart-quote workaround (Tim Taylor 1999)
  4. Re: I need a Smart-quote workaround (PCS Technical Support 1999)
  5. I need a Smart-quote workaround (Tim Taylor 1999)
Hi all, I redesigning a system that we have up in tango, but I would prefer to have it in web catalog. We have about 100 Nursery growers that upload their available inventory into our system. Most of them use MS excel. So we have smart-quote problems. ie.. 42B&B becomes 42B&B and2+ cal. becomes 2+Cal. Now most of the time they are just placed at the begining and end of records that contain a comma or so I could do a search that finds all records that contain , and write something like [replace db=[db]&sku=[sku]] [showif [field]^,] [GetChars start=2][field][/getchars] and so on for all fields (with the field being replaced as is for fields that don't contain or , and then [replace db=[db]&sku=[sku]] [GetChars from=end&start=2][field][/getchars][/getChars]and so on to chomp off the back smart quote.Except they are not just on the ends, they also place one after the which occurs in almost every record.Now normally what I would do is open the file in bbedit find and replace with `` then find and delete it then find`` and replace with . Can anyone think of a way to get web cat to perform that sequence on a file. I can't get 100 clients to switch from excel to filemaker.ThanksTimTim Taylor Webmaster http://www.growzone.com Tim@versa.com t h e s i t e f o r t h e g r e e n i n d u s t r y 1.888.800.5904 Tim Taylor


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