Re: What folder???

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numero = 23870
interpreted = N
texte = >With out going into a bunch of details as to why...other then to say I >would like to use the protect tag and the security or username value be the >folder > >as in [protect [foldername]] > >And I have looked at [listfiles] [fileinfo] and [listpath] > >So if I have a massive group of templates in a directory that looks like this > >/admin/bill/index.tpl, and admin/bill/addcontent.tpl, etc > >And I just pick up 20 or 30 templates and a couple of db's and drop them >into a new directory that looks like this > >/admin/jill/index.tpl, and admin/jill/addcontent.tpl, etc > >I am trying to get the value of the folder everything is in as in [bill] or >[jill] > >I work on a site after hours where they add and subtract people who work on >this site faster then all get out. They aren't fired they just move >elsewhere. > >And editing templates over and over is getting to a chore I would like to >simplify. > >Webcatalog has to know where it is at all times in the directory tree so >the [createfolder] or [deletefolder] would know where to look. > >Anybody got a suggestion or a tip to get me headed in the right direction >on something I overlooked in the online docs. > >If not, might I ask PCS to consider adding a tag [thisfolder] or >[foldername] in the next release. Sure would make admining a site a snap >if I used a trick like this. > >TIA Got it on my ownsimplest way I figured out was to create files in a folder with a 2 digit number at the start of the file name. ie 02index.tpl, 02add.tpl, 02change.tpl, etc, etc.Then at the top of the templates I add this data[listpath path=[thisurl]&fileonly=T] [text show=F]pass=[getchars start=1&end=2][name][/getchars][/text]
[/listpath] [protect [pass]]and pass becomes 02 so a group in the webcatalog security of 02 added to a user name and password works as needed. And because I have loaded the variable [pass] I can do all kinds of other neat tricks elsewhere in each template. So write the webdna once, never edit again. Never miss a edit in the middle of a page when trying to figure out who the user is, etc, etc, etc that logs their input and so forth.Just copy the files, edit the names of the files and she is off and running. Gawd I love 3.0 :]=============================================== Gary Richter PanaVise Products, Inc. 7540 Colbert Dr. Reno, Nevada 89511 Ph: 702.850.2900 Fx: 702.850.2929 Email: =============================================== Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: What folder??? (Gary Richter 1999)
  2. What folder??? (Gary Richter 1999)
>With out going into a bunch of details as to why...other then to say I >would like to use the protect tag and the security or username value be the >folder > >as in [protect [foldername]] > >And I have looked at [listfiles] [fileinfo] and [listpath] > >So if I have a massive group of templates in a directory that looks like this > >/admin/bill/index.tpl, and admin/bill/addcontent.tpl, etc > >And I just pick up 20 or 30 templates and a couple of db's and drop them >into a new directory that looks like this > >/admin/jill/index.tpl, and admin/jill/addcontent.tpl, etc > >I am trying to get the value of the folder everything is in as in [bill] or >[jill] > >I work on a site after hours where they add and subtract people who work on >this site faster then all get out. They aren't fired they just move >elsewhere. > >And editing templates over and over is getting to a chore I would like to >simplify. > >Webcatalog has to know where it is at all times in the directory tree so >the [createfolder] or [deletefolder] would know where to look. > >Anybody got a suggestion or a tip to get me headed in the right direction >on something I overlooked in the online docs. > >If not, might I ask PCS to consider adding a tag [thisfolder] or >[foldername] in the next release. Sure would make admining a site a snap >if I used a trick like this. > >TIA Got it on my ownsimplest way I figured out was to create files in a folder with a 2 digit number at the start of the file name. ie 02index.tpl, 02add.tpl, 02change.tpl, etc, etc.Then at the top of the templates I add this data[listpath path=[thisurl]&fileonly=T] [text show=F]pass=[getchars start=1&end=2][name][/getchars][/text]
[/listpath] [protect [pass]]and pass becomes 02 so a group in the webcatalog security of 02 added to a user name and password works as needed. And because I have loaded the variable [pass] I can do all kinds of other neat tricks elsewhere in each template. So write the webdna once, never edit again. Never miss a edit in the middle of a page when trying to figure out who the user is, etc, etc, etc that logs their input and so forth.Just copy the files, edit the names of the files and she is off and running. Gawd I love 3.0 :]=============================================== Gary Richter PanaVise Products, Inc. 7540 Colbert Dr. Reno, Nevada 89511 Ph: 702.850.2900 Fx: 702.850.2929 Email: =============================================== Gary Richter


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