Re: Newbie trouble with [url] & [foundItems]

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numero = 31398
interpreted = N
texte = I can't see anything wrong with eventslist.tpl. It appears that the [url] is not working for some reason. I am assuming that you copied the code from the actual page, instead of retyping it. The first thing I would do is to eliminate the [include] and see if anything changes. You need to get a clean link statement (i.e. no Error: expected).A couple of suggestions about other aspects of your pages. I always name my include files with an extension of .inc, so it is immediately obvious that this is not a full page, either of HTML or WebDNA. Hence I would use instead of header2.htm. Secondly, in your results page, eventscategory.tpl, you use [url][category][/url] in plain text. The only times you want to use [url][field][/url] are: 1) when you are passing a field as part of a link 2) when you are testing in [ShowIf] or [HideIf]Anytime when a field could contain spaces or special characters (|^~) you need to wrap it with [url]. If you are just displaying the field in text, you don't need/want it [url]ized.John PeacockRobert McPeak wrote: > > Hey Guys. Good morning. This one should be easy for you experts:) I > think I'm overlooking something obvious. > > Here's my problem: > > When the user clicks on the link below the results page > (eventscategory.tpl) comes back saying There are 0 items in Sport. > > The categories are Sport Psychology and Sport Management. The > location line in the browser on the results page (eventscategory.tpl) > reads: > > PsychologyError: Error: expected [/FOUNDITEMS], but found [/url] > instead[/url]&startat=1 > > Here's the eventslist.tpl page. All categories are pulled from events.db > and appear correctly on this page. > > > > ADD YOUR EVENT TO THE FIT DATABASE! > [Include file=header2.htm]
> > [search db=events.db&gedatedata=0&categorysumm=t&ascategorysort=1] > > [founditems] > href=eventcategory.tpl?cart=[cart]&category=[url][category][/url]&startat=1>[category]
> > [/foundItems] > [/search] > > This is my Results page: eventscategory.tpl > > > > > Results of Your Search for Conferences & Events in > [category] > > > [Include file=header2.htm] > > [search db=events.db&eqcategorydata=[category]&asdatesort=1] > >

There are [numFound] conferences & events in [url][category][/url] > currently listed in the FIT database.

> > [foundItems] > > > > > > > [/foundItems] > >
Conference NameDateLocationReg. > Deadline
> > [/search] > > > > > What am I doing wrong? Thanks.------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Newbie trouble with [url] & [foundItems] (Robert McPeak 2000)
  2. Re: Newbie trouble with [url] & [foundItems] (Robert McPeak 2000)
  3. Re: Newbie trouble with [url] & [foundItems] (Glenn Busbin 2000)
  4. Re: Newbie trouble with [url] & [foundItems] (John Peacock 2000)
  5. Re: Newbie trouble with [url] & [foundItems] (Glenn Busbin 2000)
  6. Newbie trouble with [url] & [foundItems] (Robert McPeak 2000)
I can't see anything wrong with eventslist.tpl. It appears that the [url] is not working for some reason. I am assuming that you copied the code from the actual page, instead of retyping it. The first thing I would do is to eliminate the [include] and see if anything changes. You need to get a clean link statement (i.e. no Error: expected).A couple of suggestions about other aspects of your pages. I always name my include files with an extension of .inc, so it is immediately obvious that this is not a full page, either of HTML or WebDNA. Hence I would use instead of header2.htm. Secondly, in your results page, eventscategory.tpl, you use [url][category][/url] in plain text. The only times you want to use [url][field][/url] are: 1) when you are passing a field as part of a link 2) when you are testing in [showif] or [hideif]Anytime when a field could contain spaces or special characters (|^~) you need to wrap it with [url]. If you are just displaying the field in text, you don't need/want it [url]ized.John PeacockRobert McPeak wrote: > > Hey Guys. Good morning. This one should be easy for you experts:) I > think I'm overlooking something obvious. > > Here's my problem: > > When the user clicks on the link below the results page > (eventscategory.tpl) comes back saying There are 0 items in Sport. > > The categories are Sport Psychology and Sport Management. The > location line in the browser on the results page (eventscategory.tpl) > reads: > > PsychologyError: Error: expected [/FOUNDITEMS], but found [/url] > instead[/url]&startat=1 > > Here's the eventslist.tpl page. All categories are pulled from events.db > and appear correctly on this page. > > > > ADD YOUR EVENT TO THE FIT DATABASE! > [Include file=header2.htm]
> > [search db=events.db&gedatedata=0&categorysumm=t&ascategorysort=1] > > [founditems] > href=eventcategory.tpl?cart=[cart]&category=[url][category][/url]&startat=1>[category]
> > [/foundItems] > [/search] > > This is my Results page: eventscategory.tpl > > > > > Results of Your Search for Conferences & Events in > [category] > > > [Include file=header2.htm] > > [search db=events.db&eqcategorydata=[category]&asdatesort=1] > >

There are [numFound] conferences & events in [url][category][/url] > currently listed in the FIT database.

> > [founditems] > > > > > > > [/foundItems] > >
Conference NameDateLocationReg. > Deadline
> > [/search] > > > > > What am I doing wrong? Thanks.------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to John Peacock


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