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It keeps the original formatting.
numero = 32731
interpreted = N
texte = [text]ship=[math]0[lineitems]+[quantity][/lineitems][/math][/text][showif [ship]<3]$4.50[/showif] [showif [ship]=3]$6.00[/showif][showif [ship]=4]$6.00[/showif][showif [ship]=5]$6.00[/showif] [showif [ship]>5]15%[/showif][/showif]The above snippet works and displays correctly.$[showif [ship]<3][format .2f][math][subtotal]+4.50[/math][/format][/showif] [showif [ship]=3][format .2f][math][subtotal]+6.00][/math][/format][/showif][showif [ship]=4][format .2f][math][subtotal]+6.00][/math][/format][/showif][showif [ship]=5][format .2f][math][subTotal]+6.00][/math][/format][/showif] [showif [ship]>5][format .2f][math][subTotal]+[subtotal]*.15[/math][/format][/showif]This snip above works for <3 and >5, but the 3,4,5 display 0. Fix? I tried [showif [ship]^3,4,5], but that didn't work. Newish so sorry if this is obvious. I can't find any docs (so far) on using multiple comparison operands?? Nested [showifs] perhaps?? I'll keep digging. Thanks!! :)------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

[text]ship=[math]0[lineitems]+[quantity][/lineitems][/math][/text][showif [ship]<3]$4.50[/showif] [showif [ship]=3]$6.00[/showif][showif [ship]=4]$6.00[/showif][showif [ship]=5]$6.00[/showif] [showif [ship]>5]15%[/showif][/showif]The above snippet works and displays correctly.$[showif [ship]<3][format .2f][math][subtotal]+4.50[/math][/format][/showif] [showif [ship]=3][format .2f][math][subtotal]+6.00][/math][/format][/showif][showif [ship]=4][format .2f][math][subtotal]+6.00][/math][/format][/showif][showif [ship]=5][format .2f][math][subTotal]+6.00][/math][/format][/showif] [showif [ship]>5][format .2f][math][subTotal]+[subtotal]*.15[/math][/format][/showif]This snip above works for <3 and >5, but the 3,4,5 display 0. Fix? I tried [showif [ship]^3,4,5], but that didn't work. Newish so sorry if this is obvious. I can't find any docs (so far) on using multiple comparison operands?? Nested [showifs] perhaps?? I'll keep digging. Thanks!! :)------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Parker


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The WebDNA community talk-list is the best place to get some help: several hundred extremely proficient programmers with an excellent knowledge of WebDNA and an excellent spirit will deliver all the tips and tricks you can imagine...

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