Re: Switching from merge to tab delimited..(v 2.x)

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numero = 33501
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texte = >>I'm dealing with a database with hundreds of fields. This is what I did to >>accomplish the switch: >> >>1. I expored the database as tab delimited from Filemaker Pro. >>2. I created a database.hdr file from the top line with the field of the >>previous database, replacing commas with tabs so that the fields would be >>tab seperated. Then, I put a carriage return at the end. >>3. I commited and closed all databases. > >This all sounds right, so the most important thing is to make *sure* >the .hdr matches the actual data perfectly. You might try pulling >the .hdr into Excel, and then pull in the data on the lines below >that, as a means of lining everything up. >I'm on a Macintosh which does not have Excel. Any other ideas as to how I can line these fields up? BBEdit would be extremely time consuming.. can you think of another solution that would not take as much time?>It's also possible you really are out of memory, so try bumping >WebCatalog's allocation up. > >>Also, I'm having trouble getting rid of vertical tabs from my database. >>What's the best way to do this (can it be avoided during export from >>Filemaker)? > >WebCatalog doesn't mind vertical tabs. In fact, it recognizes them >for what they are (soft-returns) and will output them as hard returns >if you wrap the database field tag inside an [input] context. >Eek. Does this mean I have to go into each and every page of my website and replace all field references to [input][field][/input]?? There are hundreds of database references in the site..this will be time consuming as well!IT'll be quite frustrating if there are no alternatives.CJF Christopher Feyrer System Administrator ------------------- PGP 6.x key available.------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Switching from merge to tab delimited..(v 2.x) (John Butler 2000)
  2. Re: Switching from merge to tab delimited..(v 2.x) (Kenneth Grome 2000)
  3. Re: Switching from merge to tab delimited..(v 2.x) (Christopher Feyrer 2000)
  4. Re: Switching from merge to tab delimited..(v 2.x) (WebDNA Support 2000)
  5. Switching from merge to tab delimited..(v 2.x) (Christopher Feyrer 2000)
>>I'm dealing with a database with hundreds of fields. This is what I did to >>accomplish the switch: >> >>1. I expored the database as tab delimited from Filemaker Pro. >>2. I created a database.hdr file from the top line with the field of the >>previous database, replacing commas with tabs so that the fields would be >>tab seperated. Then, I put a carriage return at the end. >>3. I commited and closed all databases. > >This all sounds right, so the most important thing is to make *sure* >the .hdr matches the actual data perfectly. You might try pulling >the .hdr into Excel, and then pull in the data on the lines below >that, as a means of lining everything up. >I'm on a Macintosh which does not have Excel. Any other ideas as to how I can line these fields up? BBEdit would be extremely time consuming.. can you think of another solution that would not take as much time?>It's also possible you really are out of memory, so try bumping >WebCatalog's allocation up. > >>Also, I'm having trouble getting rid of vertical tabs from my database. >>What's the best way to do this (can it be avoided during export from >>Filemaker)? > >WebCatalog doesn't mind vertical tabs. In fact, it recognizes them >for what they are (soft-returns) and will output them as hard returns >if you wrap the database field tag inside an [input] context. >Eek. Does this mean I have to go into each and every page of my website and replace all field references to [input][field][/input]?? There are hundreds of database references in the site..this will be time consuming as well!IT'll be quite frustrating if there are no alternatives.CJF Christopher Feyrer System Administrator ------------------- PGP 6.x key available.------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Christopher Feyrer


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