Bug fix time lines ...

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numero = 34203
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texte = >SMITH MICRO or ANYONE WHO CAN GUESTIMATE: With the past few releases...on >average...how long has it taken to work out bugs? Unfortunately I don't >have time to spare dealing with them.Consider this evidence before you upgrade:It took SM 11 months to fix the isfile/isfolder bug in NT in version 3. Bob Minor first reported this bug in June 1999, then during the next 11 months others posted request after request on WebDNA-Talk to fix it or to ask when it would be fixed ... but it never got fixed until May 2000.Of course, during the entire 11 months it was broken, no one could use those tags in any site based on an NT server, because they simply did not work. And of course, any site using those tags on another platform would break as soon as it was moved to NT ...If this situation gives us any indication of how long it's going to take SM to fix version 4 bugs this time around, I would suggest that you wait until a month before version 5 is released before upgrading to version 4. After all, it wasn't until a month before version 4 was released that they finally got around to fixing version 3 ... :( ================================ Kenneth Grome, WebDNA Consultant 808-737-6499 http://webdna.net ================================------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: http://search.smithmicro.com/ Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Bug fix time lines ... (Kenneth Grome 2000)
>SMITH MICRO or ANYONE WHO CAN GUESTIMATE: With the past few releases...on >average...how long has it taken to work out bugs? Unfortunately I don't >have time to spare dealing with them.Consider this evidence before you upgrade:It took SM 11 months to fix the isfile/isfolder bug in NT in version 3. Bob Minor first reported this bug in June 1999, then during the next 11 months others posted request after request on WebDNA-Talk to fix it or to ask when it would be fixed ... but it never got fixed until May 2000.Of course, during the entire 11 months it was broken, no one could use those tags in any site based on an NT server, because they simply did not work. And of course, any site using those tags on another platform would break as soon as it was moved to NT ...If this situation gives us any indication of how long it's going to take SM to fix version 4 bugs this time around, I would suggest that you wait until a month before version 5 is released before upgrading to version 4. After all, it wasn't until a month before version 4 was released that they finally got around to fixing version 3 ... :( ================================ Kenneth Grome, WebDNA Consultant 808-737-6499 http://webdna.net ================================------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: http://search.smithmicro.com/ Kenneth Grome


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