Re: fresh eyes needed. Append won't work.

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numero = 35129
interpreted = N
texte = >Can anybody see what's wrong with this append. I can't get it to work. I'm >passing the values to the tpl this on with a form. I'm able to display the >passed values on the page but the append won't update the db issp.db. > >Thanks for taking a look. > >[Append >db=issp.db]date=[date]&referrer=[referrer]&firstname=[firstname]&middlename=[middlename]&lastname=[lastname]&dob=[dob]&instit=[instit]&dept=[dept]&city=[city]&state=[state]&country=[country]&ctrycode=[countrycode]&homestreet=[homestreet]&homecity=[homecity]&homestate=[homestate]&homecountry=[homecountry]&homectrycode=[homectrycode]&email=[email]&fax=[fax]&telex=[telex]&homephone=[homephone]&workphone=[workphone]&academicstatus=[academicstatus]&occupation=[occupation]&research=[research]&membertype=[membertype]&years=[years]&duestotal=[duestotal]&subscription1=[subscription1]&subscription1duration=[subsription1duration]&subscription2=[subscription2]&subscription2duration=[subscription2duration]&subscription1total=[subscription1total]&subscription2total=[subscription2total]&backissues=[backissues]&grandtotal=[grandtotal]&payment=[payment]&cardtype=[cardtype]&ccnumber=[ccnumber]&expdate=[ex >pdate][/Append]You haven't urled any of the values you're appending, and they should ALL be urled ... ================================ Kenneth Grome, WebDNA Consultant 808-737-6499 ================================------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: fresh eyes needed. Append won't work. (Kenneth Grome 2000)
  2. Re: fresh eyes needed. Append won't work. (Nitai @ Eyework 2000)
  3. fresh eyes needed. Append won't work. (Robert McPeak 2000)
>Can anybody see what's wrong with this append. I can't get it to work. I'm >passing the values to the tpl this on with a form. I'm able to display the >passed values on the page but the append won't update the db issp.db. > >Thanks for taking a look. > >[Append >db=issp.db]date=[date]&referrer=[referrer]&firstname=[firstname]&middlename=[middlename]&lastname=[lastname]&dob=[dob]&instit=[instit]&dept=[dept]&city=[city]&state=[state]&country=[country]&ctrycode=[countrycode]&homestreet=[homestreet]&homecity=[homecity]&homestate=[homestate]&homecountry=[homecountry]&homectrycode=[homectrycode]&email=[email]&fax=[fax]&telex=[telex]&homephone=[homephone]&workphone=[workphone]&academicstatus=[academicstatus]&occupation=[occupation]&research=[research]&membertype=[membertype]&years=[years]&duestotal=[duestotal]&subscription1=[subscription1]&subscription1duration=[subsription1duration]&subscription2=[subscription2]&subscription2duration=[subscription2duration]&subscription1total=[subscription1total]&subscription2total=[subscription2total]&backissues=[backissues]&grandtotal=[grandtotal]&payment=[payment]&cardtype=[cardtype]&ccnumber=[ccnumber]&expdate=[ex >pdate][/Append]You haven't urled any of the values you're appending, and they should ALL be urled ... ================================ Kenneth Grome, WebDNA Consultant 808-737-6499 ================================------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Kenneth Grome


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