[applescript] support in 4.5 for OS X -- really?

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texte = [applescript] in 4.5 for OS X (10.1.5) is having no end of problems.Doing something really basic like:[applescript] return gouda [/applescript]works fine. When I try to control other apps is when it doesn't know its ass from its elbow.[applescript] tell application iTunes to activate [/applescript]comes back with Can't get the application's event dictionary.[applescript] tell application Finder to activate [/applescript]crashes the Finder.Any caveats to using this new 4.5 feature? Rob Marquardt Designer/Resident Wirehead Toast Design800 Washington Avenue North Minneapolis MN 55401 612.330.9863 v 612.321.9424 f www.toastdesign.com ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: http://search.smithmicro.com/ Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [applescript] support in 4.5 for OS X -- really? (Rob Marquardt 2002)
  2. Re: [applescript] support in 4.5 for OS X -- really? (Scott Anderson 2002)
  3. [applescript] support in 4.5 for OS X -- really? (Rob Marquardt 2002)
[applescript] in 4.5 for OS X (10.1.5) is having no end of problems.Doing something really basic like:[applescript] return gouda [/applescript]works fine. When I try to control other apps is when it doesn't know its ass from its elbow.[applescript] tell application iTunes to activate [/applescript]comes back with Can't get the application's event dictionary.[applescript] tell application Finder to activate [/applescript]crashes the Finder.Any caveats to using this new 4.5 feature? Rob Marquardt Designer/Resident Wirehead Toast Design800 Washington Avenue North Minneapolis MN 55401 612.330.9863 v 612.321.9424 f www.toastdesign.com ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: http://search.smithmicro.com/ Rob Marquardt


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