OT: Making demo movies

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numero = 46298
interpreted = N
texte = Hi allExcuse the OT, but need advice on some multimedia demo tools.I need to create some online demonstration movies and are trying to find a suitable tool for it. Platform does not matter.I have come up so far with:Qarbon - Viewlet Builder Great but 900$......Smith Tech Camtasia Also great for PC only movies, but converting them to quicktime comes up with 10MB out of a 2MB AVI movie (I have tried all I could)Any other tools I missed.TIA for any advices.Sincerely Nitai Aventaggiato CEO-- Tools to energize your business Content Management & eBusiness SystemsComputerOil GmbH http://computeroil.com/ Hauptstrasse 12 info@computeroil.com 8252 Schlatt/Switzerland Tel: +41 (0)52 654 15 55 Fax: +41 (0)52 654 15 59 ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: http://webdna.smithmicro.com/ Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. OT: Making demo movies (Nitai @ ComputerOil 2002)
Hi allExcuse the OT, but need advice on some multimedia demo tools.I need to create some online demonstration movies and are trying to find a suitable tool for it. Platform does not matter.I have come up so far with:Qarbon - Viewlet Builder Great but 900$......Smith Tech Camtasia Also great for PC only movies, but converting them to quicktime comes up with 10MB out of a 2MB AVI movie (I have tried all I could)Any other tools I missed.TIA for any advices.Sincerely Nitai Aventaggiato CEO-- Tools to energize your business Content Management & eBusiness SystemsComputerOil GmbH http://computeroil.com/ Hauptstrasse 12 info@computeroil.com 8252 Schlatt/Switzerland Tel: +41 (0)52 654 15 55 Fax: +41 (0)52 654 15 59 ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: http://webdna.smithmicro.com/ Nitai @ ComputerOil


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