Re: WebDNA + SQL Server

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numero = 47388
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texte = Not that this is the best comparison, but I did do a large scale site in '99: Win NT 4, SQL 7 (might have been 6), WebCat 3 This was for Amway and it was a secure site for members. They had a table in their SQL database of over 300,000 members. The table had basic info such as username, password, name, address, and member status identifiers. Initially, we put WebCat up against their existing asp login page, both running the same SQL statement. We found WebCat to be substantially faster at a simple username:password authentication lookup to the same SQL table. Unfortunately, dumping the data to a WebCat internal db and using WebCat without SQL proved to be slower than even the asp solution. I was working with Grant at the time, trying to determine how to best leverage the strengths of both systems. WebCat was much more efficient when doing text searches on smaller tables, but SQL was better at single field queries (such as when doing login authentication) on large tables. The solution was to use SQL on the initial login, then capture the user's data to a session db in WebCat. This gave us the fastest lookup method in the large database, and the fastest dynamic content searching for the rest of the user's login session. It was killer, in fact. This was a site for a large regional segment of Amway that was to launch on the same day as the official Amway web site Quixtar. It took us three months to complete the site, two for design and one for coding. It took Amway over a year to complete the Quixtar site, even after bringing in a team from Microsoft to head up development (all MS/ASP/SQL site + MS had their PR machine working the partnership in the media). When the floodgates opened on 9/1/99, Quixtar, with their MS built mega-site, crapped out and died. They had a team working for two days to keep the servers running, with only short bursts of availability between server crashes. Our site, on the other hand, even though served from only one server (dual processor enterprise level HP), never missed a beat. We had a million hits within the first 12 hours and averaged half a million a day for several weeks. The server didn't go down once, and the site's performance was phenomenal, considering all the dynamic content. Sadly, after successful operation for a year, they decided to migrate to a standard platform: asp. The site is still used today and looks much the same, but all the guts have been re-written in asp. Guess some people will never learn; not even when it's proven to them with huge success. They had too many people constantly whispering Microsoft in their ears. I met some of these people. They were both snobbish about the superiority of MS technologies compared to this no-name thing called WebCatalog and (more importantly) totally afraid that they might be expendable if some semblance of a reliance on MS technologies wasn't made apparent to the Amway decision makers.Quixtar: <-- The one that crapped out WWDB: <-- Didn't break a sweat-MikeOn Monday, February 3, 2003, at 12:22 PM, Alain Russell wrote:> Thanks, > The client has specifically said they want all their data stored in SQL > Server - we don't see this as so much of a problem, just after some > feedback. > > We'll let you know how it goes > Alain ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

Not that this is the best comparison, but I did do a large scale site in '99: Win NT 4, SQL 7 (might have been 6), WebCat 3 This was for Amway and it was a secure site for members. They had a table in their SQL database of over 300,000 members. The table had basic info such as username, password, name, address, and member status identifiers. Initially, we put WebCat up against their existing asp login page, both running the same SQL statement. We found WebCat to be substantially faster at a simple username:password authentication lookup to the same SQL table. Unfortunately, dumping the data to a WebCat internal db and using WebCat without SQL proved to be slower than even the asp solution. I was working with Grant at the time, trying to determine how to best leverage the strengths of both systems. WebCat was much more efficient when doing text searches on smaller tables, but SQL was better at single field queries (such as when doing login authentication) on large tables. The solution was to use SQL on the initial login, then capture the user's data to a session db in WebCat. This gave us the fastest lookup method in the large database, and the fastest dynamic content searching for the rest of the user's login session. It was killer, in fact. This was a site for a large regional segment of Amway that was to launch on the same day as the official Amway web site Quixtar. It took us three months to complete the site, two for design and one for coding. It took Amway over a year to complete the Quixtar site, even after bringing in a team from Microsoft to head up development (all MS/ASP/SQL site + MS had their PR machine working the partnership in the media). When the floodgates opened on 9/1/99, Quixtar, with their MS built mega-site, crapped out and died. They had a team working for two days to keep the servers running, with only short bursts of availability between server crashes. Our site, on the other hand, even though served from only one server (dual processor enterprise level HP), never missed a beat. We had a million hits within the first 12 hours and averaged half a million a day for several weeks. The server didn't go down once, and the site's performance was phenomenal, considering all the dynamic content. Sadly, after successful operation for a year, they decided to migrate to a standard platform: asp. The site is still used today and looks much the same, but all the guts have been re-written in asp. Guess some people will never learn; not even when it's proven to them with huge success. They had too many people constantly whispering Microsoft in their ears. I met some of these people. They were both snobbish about the superiority of MS technologies compared to this no-name thing called WebCatalog and (more importantly) totally afraid that they might be expendable if some semblance of a reliance on MS technologies wasn't made apparent to the Amway decision makers.Quixtar: <-- The one that crapped out WWDB: <-- Didn't break a sweat-MikeOn Monday, February 3, 2003, at 12:22 PM, Alain Russell wrote:> Thanks, > The client has specifically said they want all their data stored in SQL > Server - we don't see this as so much of a problem, just after some > feedback. > > We'll let you know how it goes > Alain ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Michael Davis


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