DRC content management site

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numero = 51837
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texte = Folks ... below you will find the URL for the content management site for the WebDNA DRC. I have added anyone who was a registered member of the DRC to the CMS instance as a member of the 'Public' workgroup. While your DRC account is not directly linked to the CMS users database, I initialized it using the same username and password that you use on the DRC. The access of the public workgroup is currently limited to the open source download templates. We haven't gone so far as to open up access to public modification of the DRC site itself. Please note the following: - as a member of the 'Public' workgroup, you each have 'editor' privileges only on assets contained within the directory ".../Public/downloads/source code", which contains sub-folders for each of the current open source templates available in the download section of the DRC. Actions attempted on other folders or workgroups other than "../Public/downloads/source code" will simply generate a message about insufficient privileges. - The 'Editor' role means you can modify existing assets but cannot create new ones or delete assets. - The UI is a familiar tree/list configuration with tabs across the top for the different functional areas. There are clickable icons in the list for the most common actions, e.g., check-out, check-in, view, but the complete list of available actions is accessed via a right-click context menu. There is a 'menu' icon on the list for one-button Mac users. As "Editor", public workgroup members will not see functions available to administrators. - Any submitted changes to the open source templates will require 'approval' before being migrated to the Staging area, where we will test them before deploying to the production DRC download area. The approval process is mainly so we don't end up with highly modified templates, e.g., empty files, showing up without some form of review, and will most likely be performed by Scott Anderson. - If you wish to add your own sub-folder containing your own 'new' contributions to the open source download area, but where you wish to retain approval rights to any changes to your code, please notify me directly and I will configure the appropriate privileges and approval groups to your own sub-folder. Likewise, if you wish to start your own 'workgroup' that you can personally administer membership and privileges for new open source projects that would be published to the DRC, contact me directly and I'll set you up. - If you do not have a DRC username/password, there is a guest account with only 'view' privileges, username: guest password: guest. Contact me directly if you want a new CMS user account created for you. - If you wish to modify any these open source templates, you must first perform a 'check-out' which locks the file for you. You can then modify the file either using the included 5.1 Java or text editors, or download a copy of the file, modify it locally on your desktop, then upload the new version over the existing one. Note that you can only upload a new version of an existing file if you have first checked it out. - While this CMS is based upon 5.1, we are beta testing a few new CMS features in this instance of the DRC CMS: checkboxes for selecting multiple assets to perform a single operation; an "Activity List" tab that shows all currently checked-out assets for either your login, or for all members (the full path is displayed on the mouse-over pop-up); Improved sorting and sorting preferences are now stored by username/tab combination; Asset list now refreshes to same scroll location after any operation. These enhanced templates will be made available after the beta testing is complete as a separate download that can easily be applied to any 5.1 Enterprise installations. - Note the standard 5.1 feature that allows you to send an e-mail to anyone in the membership list, or anyone that has an asset checked-out (by clicking on the username that owns the lock). This makes it easy to ask someone on the other side of the planet, or down under :-), to please check-in their changes so you can add your own modifications. - The URL to the DRC CMS is: http://webdnacms.smithmicro.net/cms/Default.tpl. Your comments and suggestions are always valued, and I look forward to our developer community using this new tool to add value to the open source archive to benefit the community members. Phil Bonesteele Director eBusiness Products & Services WebDNA - Evolve your Ebusiness ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: http://webdna.smithmicro.com/ Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. DRC content management site ( Phillip Bonesteele 2003)
Folks ... below you will find the URL for the content management site for the WebDNA DRC. I have added anyone who was a registered member of the DRC to the CMS instance as a member of the 'Public' workgroup. While your DRC account is not directly linked to the CMS users database, I initialized it using the same username and password that you use on the DRC. The access of the public workgroup is currently limited to the open source download templates. We haven't gone so far as to open up access to public modification of the DRC site itself. Please note the following: - as a member of the 'Public' workgroup, you each have 'editor' privileges only on assets contained within the directory ".../Public/downloads/source code", which contains sub-folders for each of the current open source templates available in the download section of the DRC. Actions attempted on other folders or workgroups other than "../Public/downloads/source code" will simply generate a message about insufficient privileges. - The 'Editor' role means you can modify existing assets but cannot create new ones or delete assets. - The UI is a familiar tree/list configuration with tabs across the top for the different functional areas. There are clickable icons in the list for the most common actions, e.g., check-out, check-in, view, but the complete list of available actions is accessed via a right-click context menu. There is a 'menu' icon on the list for one-button Mac users. As "Editor", public workgroup members will not see functions available to administrators. - Any submitted changes to the open source templates will require 'approval' before being migrated to the Staging area, where we will test them before deploying to the production DRC download area. The approval process is mainly so we don't end up with highly modified templates, e.g., empty files, showing up without some form of review, and will most likely be performed by Scott Anderson. - If you wish to add your own sub-folder containing your own 'new' contributions to the open source download area, but where you wish to retain approval rights to any changes to your code, please notify me directly and I will configure the appropriate privileges and approval groups to your own sub-folder. Likewise, if you wish to start your own 'workgroup' that you can personally administer membership and privileges for new open source projects that would be published to the DRC, contact me directly and I'll set you up. - If you do not have a DRC username/password, there is a guest account with only 'view' privileges, username: guest password: guest. Contact me directly if you want a new CMS user account created for you. - If you wish to modify any these open source templates, you must first perform a 'check-out' which locks the file for you. You can then modify the file either using the included 5.1 Java or text editors, or download a copy of the file, modify it locally on your desktop, then upload the new version over the existing one. Note that you can only upload a new version of an existing file if you have first checked it out. - While this CMS is based upon 5.1, we are beta testing a few new CMS features in this instance of the DRC CMS: checkboxes for selecting multiple assets to perform a single operation; an "Activity List" tab that shows all currently checked-out assets for either your login, or for all members (the full path is displayed on the mouse-over pop-up); Improved sorting and sorting preferences are now stored by username/tab combination; Asset list now refreshes to same scroll location after any operation. These enhanced templates will be made available after the beta testing is complete as a separate download that can easily be applied to any 5.1 Enterprise installations. - Note the standard 5.1 feature that allows you to send an e-mail to anyone in the membership list, or anyone that has an asset checked-out (by clicking on the username that owns the lock). This makes it easy to ask someone on the other side of the planet, or down under :-), to please check-in their changes so you can add your own modifications. - The URL to the DRC CMS is: http://webdnacms.smithmicro.net/cms/Default.tpl. Your comments and suggestions are always valued, and I look forward to our developer community using this new tool to add value to the open source archive to benefit the community members. Phil Bonesteele Director eBusiness Products & Services WebDNA - Evolve your Ebusiness ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: http://webdna.smithmicro.com/ Phillip Bonesteele


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