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numero = 55054
interpreted = N
texte = Hello! Newbie here. I am currently evaluating eCommerce solutions for our product = fulfillment company. We have tried, in vain, to use StoreFront as a = solution. Our clients all require different parameters for their = shopping carts, which is not an easy task with StoreFront. One example: I am trying to determine if WebDNA (with WebMerchant, I = guess?) is capable of supporting multi-pay options for customers. That = is, we have clients who would like to give their customers the option of = paying for their products in two installments. Half the selling price = is charged immediately, the second half is charged a month later. Another: Does WebDNA allow for fixed price shipping costs rather than = accumulate shipping costs based on total weight? For example: We have = clients who want to charge $5 shipping for a product, but not charge an = additional $5 for multiple quantities since they will ship in the same = box. The additional shipping costs would be incremental. From what I = can tell so far, this is not possible. Can this functionality be accomplished easily out of the box? If not, = can it be accomplished at all and where would I start? I found nothing = on SmithMicro's KB to indicate that this is possible. Thanks for the advice! Jared Miles Network Administrator Planet E-Shop - (972) 407-3785 - ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Multi-pay? ( Jesse Proudman 2003)
  2. Multi-pay? ( "Jared Miles" 2003)
Hello! Newbie here. I am currently evaluating eCommerce solutions for our product = fulfillment company. We have tried, in vain, to use StoreFront as a = solution. Our clients all require different parameters for their = shopping carts, which is not an easy task with StoreFront. One example: I am trying to determine if WebDNA (with WebMerchant, I = guess?) is capable of supporting multi-pay options for customers. That = is, we have clients who would like to give their customers the option of = paying for their products in two installments. Half the selling price = is charged immediately, the second half is charged a month later. Another: Does WebDNA allow for fixed price shipping costs rather than = accumulate shipping costs based on total weight? For example: We have = clients who want to charge $5 shipping for a product, but not charge an = additional $5 for multiple quantities since they will ship in the same = box. The additional shipping costs would be incremental. From what I = can tell so far, this is not possible. Can this functionality be accomplished easily out of the box? If not, = can it be accomplished at all and where would I start? I found nothing = on SmithMicro's KB to indicate that this is possible. Thanks for the advice! Jared Miles Network Administrator Planet E-Shop - (972) 407-3785 - ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: "Jared Miles"


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