Re: OT: Version Control

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numero = 69299
interpreted = N
texte = Clint Davis wrote: > We're considering moving to Subversion and having the main repository on the > staging server with each developer checking out files and testing on their > own machine. Developers would commit changes back to the repository on the > staging server once they're satisfied with the file. Then, they'd update the > production server when the files are ready to go live. That's what we do (by "we" I mean my old company), using a Perl module I wrote myself, SVN::Notify::Mirror (available from CPAN). What this does is to automatically keep the test server in sync with any commit to trunk, and the production server is kept in sync with the latest tag. We (I mean they) actually use another module that I currently support, SVN::Notify, to create a post-commit script that is the data and the script rolled into one. Here's a complete post-commit script: #!/usr/bin/perl -MSVN::Notify::Config=$0 --- #YAML:1.0 '': PATH: "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" '/path': handler: HTML::ColorDiff to: '/path/trunk': handler: Mirror to: '/path/on/local/' '/path/tags': handler: Mirror::SSH to: "/path/on/remote/" ssh-host: "remote_host" ssh-user: "remote_user" ssh-tunnel: "" ssh-identity: "/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa" tag-regex: "RELEASE_" What that does is send colorized HTML e-mails for *any* commit to Anything committed to trunk is mirrored to the local directory /path/on/local/. Anything commited to tags which matches the regex RELEASE_ gets mirrored via SSH to remote_host, which doesn't have a direct connection to the repository so that the connection is tunneled. HTH John p.s. No, I have not been able to get unsubscribed... ;-) ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: OT: Version Control ( John Peacock 2007)
  2. Re: OT: Version Control ( "Nitai @ ComputerOil" 2007)
  3. Re: OT: Version Control ( Clint Davis 2007)
  4. Re: OT: Version Control ( "Nitai @ ComputerOil" 2007)
  5. Re: OT: Version Control ( Clint Davis 2007)
  6. Re: OT: Version Control ( "Nitai @ ComputerOil" 2007)
  7. Re: OT: Version Control ( Clint Davis 2007)
  8. Re: OT: Version Control ( "Nitai @ ComputerOil" 2007)
  9. Re: OT: Version Control ( Clint Davis 2007)
  10. Re: OT: Version Control ( "Nitai @ ComputerOil" 2007)
  11. Re: OT: Version Control ( John Peacock 2007)
  12. Re: OT: Version Control ( Jesse Proudman 2007)
  13. Re: OT: Version Control ( Clint Davis 2007)
  14. Re: OT: Version Control ( Jesse Proudman 2007)
  15. Re: OT: Version Control ( Clint Davis 2007)
  16. Re: OT: Version Control ( Jesse Proudman 2007)
  17. OT: Version Control ( Clint Davis 2007)
Clint Davis wrote: > We're considering moving to Subversion and having the main repository on the > staging server with each developer checking out files and testing on their > own machine. Developers would commit changes back to the repository on the > staging server once they're satisfied with the file. Then, they'd update the > production server when the files are ready to go live. That's what we do (by "we" I mean my old company), using a Perl module I wrote myself, SVN::Notify::Mirror (available from CPAN). What this does is to automatically keep the test server in sync with any commit to trunk, and the production server is kept in sync with the latest tag. We (I mean they) actually use another module that I currently support, SVN::Notify, to create a post-commit script that is the data and the script rolled into one. Here's a complete post-commit script: #!/usr/bin/perl -MSVN::Notify::Config=$0 --- #YAML:1.0 '': PATH: "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" '/path': handler: HTML::ColorDiff to: '/path/trunk': handler: Mirror to: '/path/on/local/' '/path/tags': handler: Mirror::SSH to: "/path/on/remote/" ssh-host: "remote_host" ssh-user: "remote_user" ssh-tunnel: "" ssh-identity: "/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa" tag-regex: "RELEASE_" What that does is send colorized HTML e-mails for *any* commit to Anything committed to trunk is mirrored to the local directory /path/on/local/. Anything commited to tags which matches the regex RELEASE_ gets mirrored via SSH to remote_host, which doesn't have a direct connection to the repository so that the connection is tunneled. HTH John p.s. No, I have not been able to get unsubscribed... ;-) ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: John Peacock


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