Re: WebCat2 - Getting to the browser's username/password data

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numero = 10274
interpreted = N
texte = >>Aparently the only way right now for WebCat2 to get the [username] and >>[password] data from the browser (instead of from the database) while >>inside a [founditems] context is to create variables while *outside* of a >>[founditems] context ... such as v.browserUsername=[username] and >>v.browserPassword=[password] ... > >Unfortunately you can't just set the value of a string variable like that. >The solution might be to use a parameterized include to pass the variables >thru.I just checked this in the docs, because I had never used [include] before ... but it sure looks simple. I guess using [include] like this would do the same thing as naming a new variable in a hyperlink ... but with [include it is hidden because it's in the form instead of being in a link which is always visible in the browser ...Actually I do remember trying [include] earlier but it didn't seem to include the designated file so I forgot about it. Was there an [include] problem in an earlier version of the CGI or plugin that's fixed now?>>Is it possible to have more than one [founditems] >>context in a template when they are *not* nested? > >You mean several places where exactly the same list of found records is to >be listed?Yes, that's exactly what I mean ... :)>Sure. As many as you want.Okay then, this makes life a lot easier! This means my response at the top of theis message is wrong, there is a much easier way to get the browser's [password] value. All I should have to do while in a [founditems] context would be to put a:[/founditems] [password] [founditems]into my existing templates wherever I need the *browser's* password instead of the *database* password value. And if my [founditems] context is nested in another [founditems] context, all I would need to do is get slightly more complicated, such as:[/founditems] [/founditems] [password] [founditems] [founditems]This ought to work, right?Sincerely, Ken Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: WebCat2 - Getting to the browser's username/password data (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  2. Re: WebCat2 - Getting to the browser's username/password data (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  3. Re: WebCat2 - Getting to the browser's username/password data (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  4. Re: WebCat2 - Getting to the browser's username/password data (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  5. Re: WebCat2 - Getting to the browser's username/password data (Kenneth Grome (by way of Grant Hulbert) 1997)
>>Aparently the only way right now for WebCat2 to get the [username] and >>[password] data from the browser (instead of from the database) while >>inside a [founditems] context is to create variables while *outside* of a >>[founditems] context ... such as v.browserUsername=[username] and >>v.browserPassword=[password] ... > >Unfortunately you can't just set the value of a string variable like that. >The solution might be to use a parameterized include to pass the variables >thru.I just checked this in the docs, because I had never used [include] before ... but it sure looks simple. I guess using [include] like this would do the same thing as naming a new variable in a hyperlink ... but with [include it is hidden because it's in the form instead of being in a link which is always visible in the browser ...Actually I do remember trying [include] earlier but it didn't seem to include the designated file so I forgot about it. Was there an [include] problem in an earlier version of the CGI or plugin that's fixed now?>>Is it possible to have more than one [founditems] >>context in a template when they are *not* nested? > >You mean several places where exactly the same list of found records is to >be listed?Yes, that's exactly what I mean ... :)>Sure. As many as you want.Okay then, this makes life a lot easier! This means my response at the top of theis message is wrong, there is a much easier way to get the browser's [password] value. All I should have to do while in a [founditems] context would be to put a:[/founditems] [password] [founditems]into my existing templates wherever I need the *browser's* password instead of the *database* password value. And if my [founditems] context is nested in another [founditems] context, all I would need to do is get slightly more complicated, such as:[/founditems] [/founditems] [password] [founditems] [founditems]This ought to work, right?Sincerely, Ken Kenneth Grome


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