Re: WebCat editing, SiteGuard & SiteEdit

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numero = 10834
interpreted = N
texte = >Hi Grant, > >You said >>3) SiteGuard provides the exact same Group abilities that WebCatalog has. > >you are right, big surprise :-) > >My mistake, it was SiteEdit I meant doesn't seem to support groups. > >You also said >>1) It doesn't hurt to have remote people send $Quit commands to >>WebCatalog. It just reloads databases from disk the next time it needs them. > >Which we accept and fully agree with. > >What we specifically want to do is give the WebCat and/or SiteEdit >authorized users the ability to quit especially the WebCat.acgi, so that >they can test database changes/edits. However, we don't want to give them >full ADMIN privileges in either SiteEdit or WebCat ... for obvious >reasons. We don't care if the Quit ability is through WebCat or >SiteEdit, all we care about is minimizing the distribution of ADMIN >privileges. > >As far as I can tell, the only way to get access to the Quit command >for running applications is if you are in SiteEdit with ADMIN access. Am >I mistaken ? Sven,Maybe a better solution to quitting the CGI would be to send a [closedatabase] command to all the open databases. This will allow WebCat2 to close databases without actually quitting.You can create a special form that quits all the databases with a single click, then tell your users they have to use that form and click the button before they will see their recent changes ... :)Sincerely, Ken Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: WebCat editing, SiteGuard & SiteEdit (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  2. Re: WebCat editing, SiteGuard & SiteEdit (Sven U. Grenander 1997)
  3. Re: WebCat editing, SiteGuard & SiteEdit (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  4. Re: WebCat editing, SiteGuard & SiteEdit ( (Gary Richter) 1997)
  5. Re: WebCat editing, SiteGuard & SiteEdit (Sven U. Grenander 1997)
  6. Re: WebCat editing, SiteGuard WAS:SiteAssociative lookup style? (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  7. WebCat editing, SiteGuard WAS:SiteAssociative lookup style? (Sven U. Grenander 1997)
>Hi Grant, > >You said >>3) SiteGuard provides the exact same Group abilities that WebCatalog has. > >you are right, big surprise :-) > >My mistake, it was SiteEdit I meant doesn't seem to support groups. > >You also said >>1) It doesn't hurt to have remote people send $Quit commands to >>WebCatalog. It just reloads databases from disk the next time it needs them. > >Which we accept and fully agree with. > >What we specifically want to do is give the WebCat and/or SiteEdit >authorized users the ability to quit especially the WebCat.acgi, so that >they can test database changes/edits. However, we don't want to give them >full ADMIN privileges in either SiteEdit or WebCat ... for obvious >reasons. We don't care if the Quit ability is through WebCat or >SiteEdit, all we care about is minimizing the distribution of ADMIN >privileges. > >As far as I can tell, the only way to get access to the Quit command >for running applications is if you are in SiteEdit with ADMIN access. Am >I mistaken ? Sven,Maybe a better solution to quitting the CGI would be to send a [closedatabase] command to all the open databases. This will allow WebCat2 to close databases without actually quitting.You can create a special form that quits all the databases with a single click, then tell your users they have to use that form and click the button before they will see their recent changes ... :)Sincerely, Ken Kenneth Grome


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