Adding Header Values with [SetHeader]

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numero = 16247
interpreted = N
texte = I want my new customers to have the choice of entering their name, address, etc. either:When they first enter the site or After they have ordered.In both cases I want the new customer information to first go into the customer database, and then into the header fields of the cart.I have the entry of the customer information down fine. [append db=d2mcust.db] dummy=xx&firstname=[firstname]&lastname=[lastname]&company=[company]&building=[building]&suite=[suite]&zipcode=[zipcode]&areacode=[areacode]&phone=[phone]&faxareacode=[faxareacode]&emailname=[emailname]&specdel=[specdel]&custcode=[math]newnum+1[/math] [/append]I would like to use the [SetHeader] context to place the above information into the header field. Where do I put the [SetHeader] context?I assume that it should be something like this: [SetHeader cart=[cart]&db=d2mcust.db]Header2=[building]&Header3=[faxareacode]&Header3=[suite] [/SetHeader]Thanks. Larry Orchier Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Adding Header Values with [SetHeader] (Larry Orchier 1998)
  2. Re: Adding Header Values with [SetHeader] (Grant Hulbert 1998)
  3. Re: Adding Header Values with [SetHeader] (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  4. Adding Header Values with [SetHeader] (Larry Orchier 1998)
I want my new customers to have the choice of entering their name, address, etc. either:When they first enter the site or After they have ordered.In both cases I want the new customer information to first go into the customer database, and then into the header fields of the cart.I have the entry of the customer information down fine. [append db=d2mcust.db] dummy=xx&firstname=[firstname]&lastname=[lastname]&company=[company]&building=[building]&suite=[suite]&zipcode=[zipcode]&areacode=[areacode]&phone=[phone]&faxareacode=[faxareacode]&emailname=[emailname]&specdel=[specdel]&custcode=[math]newnum+1[/math] [/append]I would like to use the [setheader] context to place the above information into the header field. Where do I put the [setheader] context?I assume that it should be something like this: [SetHeader cart=[cart]&db=d2mcust.db]Header2=[building]&Header3=[faxareacode]&Header3=[suite] [/SetHeader]Thanks. Larry Orchier Larry Orchier


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