Re: WebCat vs MS SiteServer?

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numero = 22393
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texte = At 8:27 Uhr -0600 07.01.1999, Pat McCormick wrote:>The MS site is long on hype and hazy on specifics, but site server seems to >be a scripting tool for database integration and site server 'e-commerce >edition' seems to provide credit card functions. They require NT, IIS, and >possibly MS SQL server. > >The licensing arrangement is shocking... I don't know technical details of this product, but maybe I can give you an idea what is probably waiting for you... Last year we were very close to the realization of a good project. Then we where suddenly out, an other company made an unbeatable price. Afterwards I learned what was going on: these guys were Microsoft Developer, Provider, Center, Solution Partner and what the hell you can be with a (wow!) certificate. And Microsoft promised them to PAY $ 20,000 when they install their e-commerce server and make a large site! Yes, the site is not up till today.I am not able to say wether this software is good or not. But if you know MS Support you can imagine your role as a very lonely fighter :) Peter++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Peter Ostry - Vienna/Austria - Fon ++43-1-877 74 54 Fax ++43-1-877 74 54-21 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: WebCat vs MS SiteServer? (Paul Uttermohlen 1999)
  2. Re: WebCat vs MS SiteServer? (Peter Ostry 1999)
  3. WebCat vs MS SiteServer? (Pat McCormick 1999)
At 8:27 Uhr -0600 07.01.1999, Pat McCormick wrote:>The MS site is long on hype and hazy on specifics, but site server seems to >be a scripting tool for database integration and site server 'e-commerce >edition' seems to provide credit card functions. They require NT, IIS, and >possibly MS SQL server. > >The licensing arrangement is shocking... I don't know technical details of this product, but maybe I can give you an idea what is probably waiting for you... Last year we were very close to the realization of a good project. Then we where suddenly out, an other company made an unbeatable price. Afterwards I learned what was going on: these guys were Microsoft Developer, Provider, Center, Solution Partner and what the hell you can be with a (wow!) certificate. And Microsoft promised them to PAY $ 20,000 when they install their e-commerce server and make a large site! Yes, the site is not up till today.I am not able to say wether this software is good or not. But if you know MS Support you can imagine your role as a very lonely fighter :) Peter++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Peter Ostry - Vienna/Austria - Fon ++43-1-877 74 54 Fax ++43-1-877 74 54-21 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Peter Ostry


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