Re: [WebDNA] USPS interface

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numero = 100182
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texte = I just tried my USPS and it is not working either ??? Regards Stuart Tremain IDFK Web Developments AUSTRALIA On 03/07/2008, at 11:44 AM, Larry Goodhew wrote: > Hi All, > > I am trying to access the USPS site to get information and seem to > have hit a roadblock. Here is the code to try a canned lookup per > their documentation and I don't know what to think of the error > message. > > My Code: > [text]crlf=[unurl]%0D%0A[/unurl][/text] > > [text]USPS_Variables=XML=[!] > [/!][!] > [/!]
[!] > [/!][!] > [/!]6406 Ivy Lane Address2>[!] > [/!]Greenbelt[!] > [/!]MD[!] > [/!][!] > [/!][!] > [/!]
[!] > [/!]
[/text] > > > [text]USPS_Return=[TCPConnect] > [TCPSend]POST /ShippingAPITest.dll?API=Verify[crlf][!] > [/!]USER-AGENT: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0) > [crlf][!] > [/!]Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded[crlf][!] > [/!]Content-length: [countchars][USPS_Variables][/countchars][crlf][!] > [/!][crlf][!] > [/!][USPS_Variables][crlf][!] > [/!][/TCPSend] > [/TCPConnect] > [/text] > > Got back:
> [USPS_Return] > > What they return: > > HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0 Date: Thu, 03 > Jul 2008 01:40:35 GMT Content-Type: text/html > > NOT IMPLEMENTED > > The server is unable to perform the method API=Verify at this time. > > ---------------------------------------------------- > I have no idea what this is trying to tell me and when I emailed > tech support at USPS they sent me back a form email that said they > didn't provide programming help. > > Anyone else try this yet and get it to work? I am not a pro at > TCPConnect so don't know what to try next. > > Thanks, > > Larry Goodhew > Larry Goodhew Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] USPS interface ("Larry Goodhew" 2008)
  2. Re: [WebDNA] USPS interface (Charles Kline 2008)
  3. Re: [WebDNA] USPS interface (Donovan Brooke 2008)
  4. Re: [WebDNA] USPS interface (Donovan Brooke 2008)
  5. Re: [WebDNA] USPS interface (Stuart Tremain 2008)
  6. [WebDNA] USPS interface ("Larry Goodhew" 2008)
I just tried my USPS and it is not working either ??? Regards Stuart Tremain IDFK Web Developments AUSTRALIA On 03/07/2008, at 11:44 AM, Larry Goodhew wrote: > Hi All, > > I am trying to access the USPS site to get information and seem to > have hit a roadblock. Here is the code to try a canned lookup per > their documentation and I don't know what to think of the error > message. > > My Code: > [text]crlf=[unurl]%0D%0A[/unurl][/text] > > [text]USPS_Variables=XML=[!] > [/!][!] > [/!]
[!] > [/!][!] > [/!]6406 Ivy Lane Address2>[!] > [/!]Greenbelt[!] > [/!]MD[!] > [/!][!] > [/!][!] > [/!]
[!] > [/!]
[/text] > > > [text]USPS_Return=[TCPConnect] > [tcpsend]POST /ShippingAPITest.dll?API=Verify[crlf][!] > [/!]USER-AGENT: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0) > [crlf][!] > [/!]Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded[crlf][!] > [/!]Content-length: [countchars][USPS_Variables][/countchars][crlf][!] > [/!][crlf][!] > [/!][USPS_Variables][crlf][!] > [/!][/TCPSend] > [/TCPConnect] > [/text] > > Got back:
> [USPS_Return] > > What they return: > > HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0 Date: Thu, 03 > Jul 2008 01:40:35 GMT Content-Type: text/html > > NOT IMPLEMENTED > > The server is unable to perform the method API=Verify at this time. > > ---------------------------------------------------- > I have no idea what this is trying to tell me and when I emailed > tech support at USPS they sent me back a form email that said they > didn't provide programming help. > > Anyone else try this yet and get it to work? I am not a pro at > TCPConnect so don't know what to try next. > > Thanks, > > Larry Goodhew > Larry Goodhew Stuart Tremain


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