Re: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter

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numero = 102944
interpreted = N
texte = Tom Duke wrote: > Dan, > > Hi - this is working for me. > > - Tom > > > > [text]crlf=[unurl]%0D%0A[/unurl][/text] > > [text]content=[!] > [/!]status=Testing Twitter API&[/text] > > [!] > > ------------------------------------ > ### Connect to twitter and post update ### > > [/!][text]xmlresponse=[TCPConnect ][!] > [/!][tcpsend skipheader=T]POST /statuses/update.xml HTTP/1.0[crlf][!] > [/!]Authorization: Basic [encrypt > method=Base64][user_id]:[user_pw][/encrypt][crlf][!] > [/!]Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded[crlf][!] > [/!]Content-Length: [countchars][content][/countchars][crlf][crlf][!] > [/!][content][crlf][!] > [/!][/tcpsend][/tcpconnect][/text][!] > > [/!][xmlresponse] This thread makes me finally want to break down and get a twitter account "thingy". ;-) I still have yet to join the throngs of facebook, myspace, linkedin etc.. Man, I am so behind the times! Donovan -- Donovan Brooke WebDNA Software Corporation **[Square Bracket Utopia]** Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter ("Brian Harrington, Broker" 2009)
  2. Re: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter (Donovan Brooke 2009)
  3. Re: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter (Patrick McCormick 2009)
  4. Re: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter (Donovan Brooke 2009)
  5. RE: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter ("Michael A. DeLorenzo" 2009)
  6. Re: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter (Tom Duke 2009)
  7. RE: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter ("Michael A. DeLorenzo" 2009)
  8. Re: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter (Tom Duke 2009)
  9. Re: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  10. RE: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter ("Tana Adams" 2009)
  11. Re: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter (Kenneth Grome 2009)
  12. Re: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter (Tom Duke 2009)
  13. Re: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  14. Re: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter (Stuart Tremain 2009)
  15. Re: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  16. Re: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter (Kenneth Grome 2009)
  17. Re: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  18. RE: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter ("Tana Adams" 2009)
  19. Re: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  20. Re: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  21. Re: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  22. Re: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  23. Re: [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter (Donovan Brooke 2009)
  24. [WebDNA] Talklist Archive & Twitter ("Tana Adams" 2009)
Tom Duke wrote: > Dan, > > Hi - this is working for me. > > - Tom > > > > [text]crlf=[unurl]%0D%0A[/unurl][/text] > > [text]content=[!] > [/!]status=Testing Twitter API&[/text] > > [!] > > ------------------------------------ > ### Connect to twitter and post update ### > > [/!][text]xmlresponse=[TCPConnect ][!] > [/!][tcpsend skipheader=T]POST /statuses/update.xml HTTP/1.0[crlf][!] > [/!]Authorization: Basic [encrypt > method=Base64][user_id]:[user_pw][/encrypt][crlf][!] > [/!]Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded[crlf][!] > [/!]Content-Length: [countchars][content][/countchars][crlf][crlf][!] > [/!][content][crlf][!] > [/!][/tcpsend][/tcpconnect][/text][!] > > [/!][xmlresponse] This thread makes me finally want to break down and get a twitter account "thingy". ;-) I still have yet to join the throngs of facebook, myspace, linkedin etc.. Man, I am so behind the times! Donovan -- Donovan Brooke WebDNA Software Corporation **[Square Bracket Utopia]** Donovan Brooke


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