Re: Generating unique SKU from [cart]

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numero = 11307
interpreted = N
texte = >I'm trying to set up an add_record.tmpl file and I'd like to have WC2 >generate a unique sku by using sku=[cart] function that Grant mentioned >earlier. Unfortunately I can't get the command and/or syntax correct. Could >someone direct me to an example or docs on this function? I've poked around >everywhere with no luck... WC1.6 spoiled me by auto-generating the SKUs. All you have to do is put the following into your template page ... somewhere between the
tags: Sincerely, Ken Grome ..... Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Generating unique SKU from [cart] - FIXED! ( 1997)
  2. Re: Generating unique SKU from [cart] - Still Stumped... (Christer Olsson 1997)
  3. Generating unique SKU from [cart] - Still Stumped... (Marty Schmid 1997)
  4. Re: Generating unique SKU from [cart] (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  5. Generating unique SKU from [cart] (Marty Schmid 1997)
>I'm trying to set up an add_record.tmpl file and I'd like to have WC2 >generate a unique sku by using sku=[cart] function that Grant mentioned >earlier. Unfortunately I can't get the command and/or syntax correct. Could >someone direct me to an example or docs on this function? I've poked around >everywhere with no luck... WC1.6 spoiled me by auto-generating the SKUs. All you have to do is put the following into your template page ... somewhere between the
tags:[cart]> Sincerely, Ken Grome ..... Kenneth Grome


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