Re: Getting Values into Cart the easy way?*

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numero = 16349
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texte = >I have just taught myself how to place values in the cart > >FORM METHOD=POST >ACTION=../r1/r1home.tmpl$showcart?db=d2mcust.db&cart=[cart]&name=[firstname]@address1=[raw][building][[/raw]> > >When I didn't have the raw context around building, I would get an error >since the building has lots of blank space. That's because you're actually supposed to pass variables in a form very differently from the way you're doing it. If you do it this way instead, you won't have your current problems:
>I want to be able to pass several lines of comments as well.Then simple add additional form fields with those comments: >It seems to me that I have a lot to pass, and I recall reading something >about a limit to how much you can pass.Forms don't have the same limits as URLs, so you can pass LOTS of data using METHOD=POST in forms ...Sincerely, Ken Grome 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Getting Values into Cart the easy way?* (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  2. Getting Values into Cart the easy way?* (Larry Orchier 1998)
>I have just taught myself how to place values in the cart > >FORM METHOD=POST >ACTION=../r1/r1home.tmpl$showcart?db=d2mcust.db&cart=[cart]&name=[firstname]@address1=[raw][building][[/raw]> > >When I didn't have the raw context around building, I would get an error >since the building has lots of blank space. That's because you're actually supposed to pass variables in a form very differently from the way you're doing it. If you do it this way instead, you won't have your current problems: [cart]> >I want to be able to pass several lines of comments as well.Then simple add additional form fields with those comments: >It seems to me that I have a lot to pass, and I recall reading something >about a limit to how much you can pass.Forms don't have the same limits as URLs, so you can pass LOTS of data using METHOD=POST in forms ...Sincerely, Ken Grome 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions Kenneth Grome


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