know it all

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numero = 19901
interpreted = N
texte = Ken does know it all! Wouldn't just writing these replies in the first place be sufficient enough: I've personally used webcat to create more than 34,000 messages at a time -- from a single [founditems] loop -- and I have NEVER had a problem sending those messages using Emailer to my own SIMS mail server. SIMS never choked, crashed, or otherwise failed to deliver those messages when Emailer sent them at the default 300 tick setting.But if you ever decide to replace Sonic, then I would like to suggest EIMS or SIMS (my favorite is SIMS). From my experience, and based on what you've said about Sonic, it seems they outperform Sonic in both speed and capacity. Better yet, they are absolutely FREE! :).You must have a hard time finding customers because people don't like getting reamed verbally and then for the prices that I've seen on your website (, in the their wallet to!I'm signing of this list any how and I only signed on to see what kind of neat stuff was being done with Webcatalog and all I've seen is your big mouth and a list server the sends the same message over and over again! Maybe they should ask you for a solution to the repeat messages or are they afraid to ask YOU:Kenneth Grome wrote: > > >You all have missed the boat.. > > I don't think that anyone missed the boat, it's just that most of us don't need your solution, that's all. We are all quite successful doing our mass mailings in much simpler ways, so when you posted your unusual solution, you received several questions and comments about it.Ken does know it all! Wouldn't just writing these replies in the first place be sufficient enough: I've personally used webcat to create more than 34,000 messages at a time -- from a single [founditems] loop -- and I have NEVER had a problem sending those messages using Emailer to my own SIMS mail server. SIMS never choked, crashed, or otherwise failed to deliver those messages when Emailer sent them at the default 300 tick setting.But if you ever decide to replace Sonic, then I would like to suggest EIMS or SIMS (my favorite is SIMS). From my experience, and based on what you've said about Sonic, it seems they outperform Sonic in both speed and capacity. Better yet, they are absolutely FREE! :).You must have a hard time finding customers because people don't like getting reamed verbally and then for the prices that I've seen on your website (, in the their wallet to!I'm signing of this list any how and I only signed on to see what kind of neat stuff was being done with Webcatalog and all I've seen is your big mouth and a list server the sends the same message over and over again! Maybe they should ask you for a solution to the repeat messages or are they afraid to ask YOU > > Naturally we were all wondering what's to be gained from performing such a simple task in such a round-about manner. But now we understand that you *had* to do it this way, because you use Sonic, and apparently Sonic fails to perform to the level of EIMS or SIMS or other SMTP servers.Ken does know it all! Wouldn't just writing these replies in the first place be sufficient enough: I've personally used webcat to create more than 34,000 messages at a time -- from a single [founditems] loop -- and I have NEVER had a problem sending those messages using Emailer to my own SIMS mail server. SIMS never choked, crashed, or otherwise failed to deliver those messages when Emailer sent them at the default 300 tick setting.But if you ever decide to replace Sonic, then I would like to suggest EIMS or SIMS (my favorite is SIMS). From my experience, and based on what you've said about Sonic, it seems they outperform Sonic in both speed and capacity. Better yet, they are absolutely FREE! :).You must have a hard time finding customers because people don't like getting reamed verbally and then for the prices that I've seen on your website (, in the their wallet to!I'm signing of this list any how and I only signed on to see what kind of neat stuff was being done with Webcatalog and all I've seen is your big mouth and a list server the sends the same message over and over again! Maybe they should ask you for a solution to the repeat messages or are they afraid to ask YOU > > >You can put 1 (single) email per page OR > >you can put any number per page. > > There's really no point in the rest of us splitting up our mass mailing into several pages' when we simply do not have your problems to begin with. Our standard solutions work just fine. At least mine do. It seems most of us use mail servers that do not experience Sonic's limitations, so we can easily use a single [founditems] loop with success.Ken does know it all! Wouldn't just writing these replies in the first place be sufficient enough: I've personally used webcat to create more than 34,000 messages at a time -- from a single [founditems] loop -- and I have NEVER had a problem sending those messages using Emailer to my own SIMS mail server. SIMS never choked, crashed, or otherwise failed to deliver those messages when Emailer sent them at the default 300 tick setting.But if you ever decide to replace Sonic, then I would like to suggest EIMS or SIMS (my favorite is SIMS). From my experience, and based on what you've said about Sonic, it seems they outperform Sonic in both speed and capacity. Better yet, they are absolutely FREE! :).You must have a hard time finding customers because people don't like getting reamed verbally and then for the prices that I've seen on your website (, in the their wallet to!I'm signing of this list any how and I only signed on to see what kind of neat stuff was being done with Webcatalog and all I've seen is your big mouth and a list server the sends the same message over and over again! Maybe they should ask you for a solution to the repeat messages or are they afraid to ask YOU > > I've personally used webcat to create more than 34,000 messages at a time -- from a single [founditems] loop -- and I have NEVER had a problem sending those messages using Emailer to my own SIMS mail server. SIMS never choked, crashed, or otherwise failed to deliver those messages when Emailer sent them at the default 300 tick setting.Ken does know it all! Wouldn't just writing these replies in the first place be sufficient enough: I've personally used webcat to create more than 34,000 messages at a time -- from a single [founditems] loop -- and I have NEVER had a problem sending those messages using Emailer to my own SIMS mail server. SIMS never choked, crashed, or otherwise failed to deliver those messages when Emailer sent them at the default 300 tick setting.But if you ever decide to replace Sonic, then I would like to suggest EIMS or SIMS (my favorite is SIMS). From my experience, and based on what you've said about Sonic, it seems they outperform Sonic in both speed and capacity. Better yet, they are absolutely FREE! :).You must have a hard time finding customers because people don't like getting reamed verbally and then for the prices that I've seen on your website (, in the their wallet to!I'm signing of this list any how and I only signed on to see what kind of neat stuff was being done with Webcatalog and all I've seen is your big mouth and a list server the sends the same message over and over again! Maybe they should ask you for a solution to the repeat messages or are they afraid to ask YOU > > And did you know that SIMS can be used as a high-powered *replacement* to the PCS Emailer application? I wrote about this several months ago, and I think I included instructions for how to do it in those messages. That thread is probably in the talk list archives somewhere, in case you or anyone else is interested. I would try a search for SIMS ... :)Ken does know it all! Wouldn't just writing these replies in the first place be sufficient enough: I've personally used webcat to create more than 34,000 messages at a time -- from a single [founditems] loop -- and I have NEVER had a problem sending those messages using Emailer to my own SIMS mail server. SIMS never choked, crashed, or otherwise failed to deliver those messages when Emailer sent them at the default 300 tick setting.But if you ever decide to replace Sonic, then I would like to suggest EIMS or SIMS (my favorite is SIMS). From my experience, and based on what you've said about Sonic, it seems they outperform Sonic in both speed and capacity. Better yet, they are absolutely FREE! :).You must have a hard time finding customers because people don't like getting reamed verbally and then for the prices that I've seen on your website (, in the their wallet to!I'm signing of this list any how and I only signed on to see what kind of neat stuff was being done with Webcatalog and all I've seen is your big mouth and a list server the sends the same message over and over again! Maybe they should ask you for a solution to the repeat messages or are they afraid to ask YOU > > >If emailer and your EIMS or SIMS is so great them why does emailer > >TELL you lowering the ticks may overload your mail server! > > I believe PCS set the default tick value to 300 to make sure Emailer does not overload some of the poorer-quality, less-capable mail servers out there. Apparently Sonic is one of those servers, and from what you suggest in your messages, Sonic seems to need an even LARGER tick value than Emailer's relatively conservative default value of 300 ticks in order to work properly (without the meta-tag solution you're using now, of course). > > >You obviously never sent mass mailings with WebCatalog and > >don't know what you are talking about! :( > > See above. > > >You also don't have to voice your opinion on every Talk message > >especially when you don't have a better solution ... > > You're right, I do not have to voice my opinion on every Talk message. That's why I don't. I select the messages with which I have had direct personal experience regarding the subject matter, and for shich I feel I can contribute something of value. This topic happens to be one of them. > > I have extensive experience sending mail files generated by webcatalog. And Typhoon. > > As for your comment about offering a better solution, that's exactly what I was trying to do. My previous message suggested EIMS or SIMS, because Sonic apparently sucks compared to EIMS and SIMS. So my messages were meant to suggest one way in which a better SMTP server might help you to avoid having to create meta-tag solutions so you wouldn't have to slow down the processing of your mass mailings. > > I'm not complaining about your meta-tag solution, after all, it's yours and you like it and obviously you have reasons for using it. But neither your meta-tag solution nor my suggestion to use EIMS or SIMS are the main issue here ... > > To me, the main issue is that it you seem to have missed the simplest solution of all, and that was to change the tick value in your Emailer prefs to 1000 or 5000 or whatever larger number it takes ... so that Emailer would deliver its messages to Sonic slowly enough for Sonic to be able to handle the delivery speed. > > A tick value of 1800 would give Sonic 30 seconds in between each message, and I would think that even Sonic might be able to receive a message, and send it out, and make itself available to receive another message, within 30 seconds. > > If you like Sonic enough to stick with it, that's fine, because you have created an effective solution for yourself, and a unique and ingenious one at that! > > But if you ever decide to replace Sonic, then I would like to suggest EIMS or SIMS (my favorite is SIMS). From my experience, and based on what you've said about Sonic, it seems they outperform Sonic in both speed and capacity. Better yet, they are absolutely FREE! :) Ken does know it all! Wouldn't just writing these replies in the first place be sufficient enough: I've personally used webcat to create more than 34,000 messages at a time -- from a single [founditems] loop -- and I have NEVER had a problem sending those messages using Emailer to my own SIMS mail server. SIMS never choked, crashed, or otherwise failed to deliver those messages when Emailer sent them at the default 300 tick setting.But if you ever decide to replace Sonic, then I would like to suggest EIMS or SIMS (my favorite is SIMS). From my experience, and based on what you've said about Sonic, it seems they outperform Sonic in both speed and capacity. Better yet, they are absolutely FREE! :).You must have a hard time finding customers because people don't like getting reamed verbally and then for the prices that I've seen on your website (, in the their wallet to!I'm signing of this list any how and I only signed on to see what kind of neat stuff was being done with Webcatalog and all I've seen is your big mouth and a list server the sends the same message over and over again! Maybe they should ask you for a solution to the repeat messages or are they afraid to ask YOU > > Sincerely, > Ken Grome > 808-737-6499 > WebDNA Solutions > > Ken does know it all! Wouldn't just writing these replies in the first place be sufficient enough: I've personally used webcat to create more than 34,000 messages at a time -- from a single [founditems] loop -- and I have NEVER had a problem sending those messages using Emailer to my own SIMS mail server. SIMS never choked, crashed, or otherwise failed to deliver those messages when Emailer sent them at the default 300 tick setting.But if you ever decide to replace Sonic, then I would like to suggest EIMS or SIMS (my favorite is SIMS). From my experience, and based on what you've said about Sonic, it seems they outperform Sonic in both speed and capacity. Better yet, they are absolutely FREE! :).You must have a hard time finding customers because people don't like getting reamed verbally and then for the prices that I've seen on your website (, in the their wallet to!I'm signing of this list any how and I only signed on to see what kind of neat stuff was being done with Webcatalog and all I've seen is your big mouth and a list server the sends the same message over and over again! Maybe they should ask you for a solution to the repeat messages or are they afraid to ask YOU Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. know it all ( 1998)
Ken does know it all! Wouldn't just writing these replies in the first place be sufficient enough: I've personally used webcat to create more than 34,000 messages at a time -- from a single [founditems] loop -- and I have NEVER had a problem sending those messages using Emailer to my own SIMS mail server. SIMS never choked, crashed, or otherwise failed to deliver those messages when Emailer sent them at the default 300 tick setting.But if you ever decide to replace Sonic, then I would like to suggest EIMS or SIMS (my favorite is SIMS). From my experience, and based on what you've said about Sonic, it seems they outperform Sonic in both speed and capacity. Better yet, they are absolutely FREE! :).You must have a hard time finding customers because people don't like getting reamed verbally and then for the prices that I've seen on your website (, in the their wallet to!I'm signing of this list any how and I only signed on to see what kind of neat stuff was being done with Webcatalog and all I've seen is your big mouth and a list server the sends the same message over and over again! Maybe they should ask you for a solution to the repeat messages or are they afraid to ask YOU:Kenneth Grome wrote: > > >You all have missed the boat.. > > I don't think that anyone missed the boat, it's just that most of us don't need your solution, that's all. We are all quite successful doing our mass mailings in much simpler ways, so when you posted your unusual solution, you received several questions and comments about it.Ken does know it all! Wouldn't just writing these replies in the first place be sufficient enough: I've personally used webcat to create more than 34,000 messages at a time -- from a single [founditems] loop -- and I have NEVER had a problem sending those messages using Emailer to my own SIMS mail server. SIMS never choked, crashed, or otherwise failed to deliver those messages when Emailer sent them at the default 300 tick setting.But if you ever decide to replace Sonic, then I would like to suggest EIMS or SIMS (my favorite is SIMS). From my experience, and based on what you've said about Sonic, it seems they outperform Sonic in both speed and capacity. Better yet, they are absolutely FREE! :).You must have a hard time finding customers because people don't like getting reamed verbally and then for the prices that I've seen on your website (, in the their wallet to!I'm signing of this list any how and I only signed on to see what kind of neat stuff was being done with Webcatalog and all I've seen is your big mouth and a list server the sends the same message over and over again! Maybe they should ask you for a solution to the repeat messages or are they afraid to ask YOU > > Naturally we were all wondering what's to be gained from performing such a simple task in such a round-about manner. But now we understand that you *had* to do it this way, because you use Sonic, and apparently Sonic fails to perform to the level of EIMS or SIMS or other SMTP servers.Ken does know it all! Wouldn't just writing these replies in the first place be sufficient enough: I've personally used webcat to create more than 34,000 messages at a time -- from a single [founditems] loop -- and I have NEVER had a problem sending those messages using Emailer to my own SIMS mail server. SIMS never choked, crashed, or otherwise failed to deliver those messages when Emailer sent them at the default 300 tick setting.But if you ever decide to replace Sonic, then I would like to suggest EIMS or SIMS (my favorite is SIMS). From my experience, and based on what you've said about Sonic, it seems they outperform Sonic in both speed and capacity. Better yet, they are absolutely FREE! :).You must have a hard time finding customers because people don't like getting reamed verbally and then for the prices that I've seen on your website (, in the their wallet to!I'm signing of this list any how and I only signed on to see what kind of neat stuff was being done with Webcatalog and all I've seen is your big mouth and a list server the sends the same message over and over again! Maybe they should ask you for a solution to the repeat messages or are they afraid to ask YOU > > >You can put 1 (single) email per page OR > >you can put any number per page. > > There's really no point in the rest of us splitting up our mass mailing into several pages' when we simply do not have your problems to begin with. Our standard solutions work just fine. At least mine do. It seems most of us use mail servers that do not experience Sonic's limitations, so we can easily use a single [founditems] loop with success.Ken does know it all! Wouldn't just writing these replies in the first place be sufficient enough: I've personally used webcat to create more than 34,000 messages at a time -- from a single [founditems] loop -- and I have NEVER had a problem sending those messages using Emailer to my own SIMS mail server. SIMS never choked, crashed, or otherwise failed to deliver those messages when Emailer sent them at the default 300 tick setting.But if you ever decide to replace Sonic, then I would like to suggest EIMS or SIMS (my favorite is SIMS). From my experience, and based on what you've said about Sonic, it seems they outperform Sonic in both speed and capacity. Better yet, they are absolutely FREE! :).You must have a hard time finding customers because people don't like getting reamed verbally and then for the prices that I've seen on your website (, in the their wallet to!I'm signing of this list any how and I only signed on to see what kind of neat stuff was being done with Webcatalog and all I've seen is your big mouth and a list server the sends the same message over and over again! Maybe they should ask you for a solution to the repeat messages or are they afraid to ask YOU > > I've personally used webcat to create more than 34,000 messages at a time -- from a single [founditems] loop -- and I have NEVER had a problem sending those messages using Emailer to my own SIMS mail server. SIMS never choked, crashed, or otherwise failed to deliver those messages when Emailer sent them at the default 300 tick setting.Ken does know it all! Wouldn't just writing these replies in the first place be sufficient enough: I've personally used webcat to create more than 34,000 messages at a time -- from a single [founditems] loop -- and I have NEVER had a problem sending those messages using Emailer to my own SIMS mail server. SIMS never choked, crashed, or otherwise failed to deliver those messages when Emailer sent them at the default 300 tick setting.But if you ever decide to replace Sonic, then I would like to suggest EIMS or SIMS (my favorite is SIMS). From my experience, and based on what you've said about Sonic, it seems they outperform Sonic in both speed and capacity. Better yet, they are absolutely FREE! :).You must have a hard time finding customers because people don't like getting reamed verbally and then for the prices that I've seen on your website (, in the their wallet to!I'm signing of this list any how and I only signed on to see what kind of neat stuff was being done with Webcatalog and all I've seen is your big mouth and a list server the sends the same message over and over again! Maybe they should ask you for a solution to the repeat messages or are they afraid to ask YOU > > And did you know that SIMS can be used as a high-powered *replacement* to the PCS Emailer application? I wrote about this several months ago, and I think I included instructions for how to do it in those messages. That thread is probably in the Talk List archives somewhere, in case you or anyone else is interested. I would try a search for SIMS ... :)Ken does know it all! Wouldn't just writing these replies in the first place be sufficient enough: I've personally used webcat to create more than 34,000 messages at a time -- from a single [founditems] loop -- and I have NEVER had a problem sending those messages using Emailer to my own SIMS mail server. SIMS never choked, crashed, or otherwise failed to deliver those messages when Emailer sent them at the default 300 tick setting.But if you ever decide to replace Sonic, then I would like to suggest EIMS or SIMS (my favorite is SIMS). From my experience, and based on what you've said about Sonic, it seems they outperform Sonic in both speed and capacity. Better yet, they are absolutely FREE! :).You must have a hard time finding customers because people don't like getting reamed verbally and then for the prices that I've seen on your website (, in the their wallet to!I'm signing of this list any how and I only signed on to see what kind of neat stuff was being done with Webcatalog and all I've seen is your big mouth and a list server the sends the same message over and over again! Maybe they should ask you for a solution to the repeat messages or are they afraid to ask YOU > > >If emailer and your EIMS or SIMS is so great them why does emailer > >TELL you lowering the ticks may overload your mail server! > > I believe PCS set the default tick value to 300 to make sure Emailer does not overload some of the poorer-quality, less-capable mail servers out there. Apparently Sonic is one of those servers, and from what you suggest in your messages, Sonic seems to need an even LARGER tick value than Emailer's relatively conservative default value of 300 ticks in order to work properly (without the meta-tag solution you're using now, of course). > > >You obviously never sent mass mailings with WebCatalog and > >don't know what you are talking about! :( > > See above. > > >You also don't have to voice your opinion on every Talk message > >especially when you don't have a better solution ... > > You're right, I do not have to voice my opinion on every Talk message. That's why I don't. I select the messages with which I have had direct personal experience regarding the subject matter, and for shich I feel I can contribute something of value. This topic happens to be one of them. > > I have extensive experience sending mail files generated by webcatalog. And Typhoon. > > As for your comment about offering a better solution, that's exactly what I was trying to do. My previous message suggested EIMS or SIMS, because Sonic apparently sucks compared to EIMS and SIMS. So my messages were meant to suggest one way in which a better SMTP server might help you to avoid having to create meta-tag solutions so you wouldn't have to slow down the processing of your mass mailings. > > I'm not complaining about your meta-tag solution, after all, it's yours and you like it and obviously you have reasons for using it. But neither your meta-tag solution nor my suggestion to use EIMS or SIMS are the main issue here ... > > To me, the main issue is that it you seem to have missed the simplest solution of all, and that was to change the tick value in your Emailer prefs to 1000 or 5000 or whatever larger number it takes ... so that Emailer would deliver its messages to Sonic slowly enough for Sonic to be able to handle the delivery speed. > > A tick value of 1800 would give Sonic 30 seconds in between each message, and I would think that even Sonic might be able to receive a message, and send it out, and make itself available to receive another message, within 30 seconds. > > If you like Sonic enough to stick with it, that's fine, because you have created an effective solution for yourself, and a unique and ingenious one at that! > > But if you ever decide to replace Sonic, then I would like to suggest EIMS or SIMS (my favorite is SIMS). From my experience, and based on what you've said about Sonic, it seems they outperform Sonic in both speed and capacity. Better yet, they are absolutely FREE! :) Ken does know it all! Wouldn't just writing these replies in the first place be sufficient enough: I've personally used webcat to create more than 34,000 messages at a time -- from a single [founditems] loop -- and I have NEVER had a problem sending those messages using Emailer to my own SIMS mail server. SIMS never choked, crashed, or otherwise failed to deliver those messages when Emailer sent them at the default 300 tick setting.But if you ever decide to replace Sonic, then I would like to suggest EIMS or SIMS (my favorite is SIMS). From my experience, and based on what you've said about Sonic, it seems they outperform Sonic in both speed and capacity. Better yet, they are absolutely FREE! :).You must have a hard time finding customers because people don't like getting reamed verbally and then for the prices that I've seen on your website (, in the their wallet to!I'm signing of this list any how and I only signed on to see what kind of neat stuff was being done with Webcatalog and all I've seen is your big mouth and a list server the sends the same message over and over again! Maybe they should ask you for a solution to the repeat messages or are they afraid to ask YOU > > Sincerely, > Ken Grome > 808-737-6499 > WebDNA Solutions > > Ken does know it all! Wouldn't just writing these replies in the first place be sufficient enough: I've personally used webcat to create more than 34,000 messages at a time -- from a single [founditems] loop -- and I have NEVER had a problem sending those messages using Emailer to my own SIMS mail server. SIMS never choked, crashed, or otherwise failed to deliver those messages when Emailer sent them at the default 300 tick setting.But if you ever decide to replace Sonic, then I would like to suggest EIMS or SIMS (my favorite is SIMS). From my experience, and based on what you've said about Sonic, it seems they outperform Sonic in both speed and capacity. Better yet, they are absolutely FREE! :).You must have a hard time finding customers because people don't like getting reamed verbally and then for the prices that I've seen on your website (, in the their wallet to!I'm signing of this list any how and I only signed on to see what kind of neat stuff was being done with Webcatalog and all I've seen is your big mouth and a list server the sends the same message over and over again! Maybe they should ask you for a solution to the repeat messages or are they afraid to ask YOU


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