100% sorry about that

This WebDNA talk-list message is from


It keeps the original formatting.
numero = 20663
interpreted = N
texte = I screwed up massively and meant that message to go to Grant in private and sent it to the list by mistake. Ducking under table and hiding in shame.=============================================== Gary Richter PanaVise Products, Inc. 7540 Colbert Dr. Reno, Nevada 89511 Ph: 702.850.2900 Fx: 702.850.2929 Email: grichter@panavise.com http://www.panavise.com =============================================== Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. 100% sorry about that (Gary Richter 1998)
I screwed up massively and meant that message to go to Grant in private and sent it to the list by mistake. Ducking under table and hiding in shame.=============================================== Gary Richter PanaVise Products, Inc. 7540 Colbert Dr. Reno, Nevada 89511 Ph: 702.850.2900 Fx: 702.850.2929 Email: grichter@panavise.com http://www.panavise.com =============================================== Gary Richter


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