Re: [encrypt] blues....

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numero = 31446
interpreted = N
texte = >This one has me stumped.... I have a membership database and each >member has a unique member ID number. [membid] On a search results >page, I display the member's name with a link that look like this: > >seed=joeyd][memberid][/encrypt][/url]>Joseph D'Andrea > >I encrypt the memberid because it is not public and I [url] it >because... well you know why. > >On display.tpl, I have: > >[text]myMembID=[decrypt seed=joeyd][unurl][m][/unurl][/decrypt][/text] > >[search db=xxx-members.db&eqMEMBERIDdata=[myMembID]] > >Sometimes it works fine... and sometimes it can't find the member in >the database. The reason it can't find the member in the database is >because the [decrypt] doesn't give back the correct value. > >Any ideas? >Compare the encrypted values. Encrypted values are not always the same, so this suggestion really should not work at all.Encrypting with a particular seed, can -- and in fact is SUPPOSED TO (according to Grant) -- generate different encryption strings from one time to the next, especially when using the same seed on the same unencrypted text value.Therefore, it would be impossible to compare the encrypted values and expect them to be the same ... ================================ Kenneth Grome, WebDNA Consultant 808-737-6499 ================================------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [encrypt] blues.... (Joseph D'Andrea 2000)
  2. Re: [encrypt] blues.... (Kenneth Grome 2000)
  3. Re: [encrypt] blues.... (Joseph D'Andrea 2000)
  4. Re: [encrypt] blues.... (Kenneth Grome 2000)
  5. Re: [encrypt] blues.... ( 2000)
  6. Re: [encrypt] blues.... (Kenneth Grome 2000)
  7. Re: [encrypt] blues.... ( 2000)
  8. [encrypt] blues.... (Joseph D'Andrea 2000)
  9. Saturday [encrypt] blues.... (Joseph D'Andrea 2000)
>This one has me stumped.... I have a membership database and each >member has a unique member ID number. [membid] On a search results >page, I display the member's name with a link that look like this: > >[url][encrypt >seed=joeyd][memberid][/encrypt][/url]>Joseph D'Andrea > >I encrypt the memberid because it is not public and I [url] it >because... well you know why. > >On display.tpl, I have: > >[text]myMembID=[decrypt seed=joeyd][unurl][m][/unurl][/decrypt][/text] > >[search db=xxx-members.db&eqMEMBERIDdata=[myMembID]] > >Sometimes it works fine... and sometimes it can't find the member in >the database. The reason it can't find the member in the database is >because the [decrypt] doesn't give back the correct value. > >Any ideas? >Compare the encrypted values. Encrypted values are not always the same, so this suggestion really should not work at all.Encrypting with a particular seed, can -- and in fact is SUPPOSED TO (according to Grant) -- generate different encryption strings from one time to the next, especially when using the same seed on the same unencrypted text value.Therefore, it would be impossible to compare the encrypted values and expect them to be the same ... ================================ Kenneth Grome, WebDNA Consultant 808-737-6499 ================================------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Kenneth Grome


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