Re: customer info

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numero = 38283
interpreted = N
texte = Will Starck wrote:> Yup. No biggy. > > I set a cookie to the cart #,not sure what you mean here. I think you are saying when a customer visits your site a cart# is assigned and also a cookie is set that contains the value of the cart#???? maybe, im not getting it. Or, are you actually not using [cart] and making your own cart???> which I write to the orders.db as [ordername], > and then I set a cookie OurUserID which equals [ipaddress][date][time]. This > is also written to orders.db. > > Then, whenever a customer returns, *poof!*, all of their info is entered for > them. We even have an area that remembers all of their prior items ordered,not throught the cookie right? through user/pass and database???> > so when they go to reorder they just select from that list of items.Yes this is what we are looking at doing.> > > Neat stuff. Just be sure you provide them a highly visible link, where they > can pick up their cookie, in the event they are using a different computer > than the one they originally placed their order on.Are you talking about a my account link that is accessed through a USER/PASS? If a user pass is entered why would one need to pick up a cookie? A user pass would already identify specific customer info.Sorry if I am missing things.> > > If you need help getting started, let me know... > >-- Donovan D. Brooke Systems Administrator/ Assc. Art Director Epsen Hillmer Graphics When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not, hm? -Yoda ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: customer info (Donovan Brooke 2001)
  2. Re: customer info (John Peacock 2001)
  3. Re: customer info (Donovan Brooke 2001)
  4. Re: customer info (John Peacock 2001)
  5. Re: customer info (Donovan Brooke 2001)
  6. Re: customer info (Will Starck 2001)
  7. Re: customer info (Will Starck 2001)
  8. Re: customer info (Donovan Brooke 2001)
  9. Re: customer info (Donovan Brooke 2001)
  10. Re: customer info (Marc Kaiwi 2001)
  11. Re: customer info (Donovan Brooke 2001)
  12. Re: customer info (John Peacock 2001)
  13. Re: customer info (Marc Kaiwi 2001)
  14. Re: customer info (Will Starck 2001)
  15. customer info (Donovan Brooke 2001)
Will Starck wrote:> Yup. No biggy. > > I set a cookie to the cart #,not sure what you mean here. I think you are saying when a customer visits your site a cart# is assigned and also a cookie is set that contains the value of the cart#???? maybe, im not getting it. Or, are you actually not using [cart] and making your own cart???> which I write to the orders.db as [ordername], > and then I set a cookie OurUserID which equals [ipaddress][date][time]. This > is also written to orders.db. > > Then, whenever a customer returns, *poof!*, all of their info is entered for > them. We even have an area that remembers all of their prior items ordered,not throught the cookie right? through user/pass and database???> > so when they go to reorder they just select from that list of items.Yes this is what we are looking at doing.> > > Neat stuff. Just be sure you provide them a highly visible link, where they > can pick up their cookie, in the event they are using a different computer > than the one they originally placed their order on.Are you talking about a my account link that is accessed through a USER/PASS? If a user pass is entered why would one need to pick up a cookie? A user pass would already identify specific customer info.Sorry if I am missing things.> > > If you need help getting started, let me know... > >-- Donovan D. Brooke Systems Administrator/ Assc. Art Director Epsen Hillmer Graphics When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not, hm? -Yoda ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Donovan Brooke


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