Re: customer info

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numero = 38289
interpreted = N
texte = John, so essentially the value from the cookie xxx is [custid] which is checked against a customers database to get the info for that customer?? where does [cart] come in to play for this purpose?I think I need more caffeine.John Peacock wrote:> Will Starck wrote: > > > > I said, we use [ipaddress]-[date]-[time] but I much prefer > > [cart]-[ipaddress]-[date]-[time] for the reasons John just mentioned. > > > > Just to harp on this a little more: [cart] is guaranteed to be unique > to this server (as long as the clock is not set back and probably > even then). Unless there is some reason you want that extra info for > some other reason, there is no good reason to add it to [cart]. Just > use their initial [cart] to assign a custid and then store the cookie. > When they come back, they will get a new [cart], but their existing > information is linked via their custid. > > John > > -- >-- Donovan D. Brooke Systems Administrator/ Assc. Art Director Epsen Hillmer GraphicsI know I'm making progress when I look at the questions I have asked in the past and think to myself... how stupid was that ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: customer info (Donovan Brooke 2001)
  2. Re: customer info (John Peacock 2001)
  3. Re: customer info (Donovan Brooke 2001)
  4. Re: customer info (John Peacock 2001)
  5. Re: customer info (Donovan Brooke 2001)
  6. Re: customer info (Will Starck 2001)
  7. Re: customer info (Will Starck 2001)
  8. Re: customer info (Donovan Brooke 2001)
  9. Re: customer info (Donovan Brooke 2001)
  10. Re: customer info (Marc Kaiwi 2001)
  11. Re: customer info (Donovan Brooke 2001)
  12. Re: customer info (John Peacock 2001)
  13. Re: customer info (Marc Kaiwi 2001)
  14. Re: customer info (Will Starck 2001)
  15. customer info (Donovan Brooke 2001)
John, so essentially the value from the cookie xxx is [custid] which is checked against a customers database to get the info for that customer?? where does [cart] come in to play for this purpose?I think I need more caffeine.John Peacock wrote:> Will Starck wrote: > > > > I said, we use [ipaddress]-[date]-[time] but I much prefer > > [cart]-[ipaddress]-[date]-[time] for the reasons John just mentioned. > > > > Just to harp on this a little more: [cart] is guaranteed to be unique > to this server (as long as the clock is not set back and probably > even then). Unless there is some reason you want that extra info for > some other reason, there is no good reason to add it to [cart]. Just > use their initial [cart] to assign a custid and then store the cookie. > When they come back, they will get a new [cart], but their existing > information is linked via their custid. > > John > > -- >-- Donovan D. Brooke Systems Administrator/ Assc. Art Director Epsen Hillmer GraphicsI know I'm making progress when I look at the questions I have asked in the past and think to myself... how stupid was that ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Donovan Brooke


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