Technical References - Searching and Sorting

[Search] is the core database language of WebNDA, a powerful scripting system allowing extremely fast and easy operations. WebDNA's [Search] has all the functionality you need to create any web application.

numero = 74
interpreted = N
texte = Learning how to work with databases with WebDNA will take only a few hours. Sophisticated searching can be accomplished without having to learn MySQL, PostGres or Microsoft SQL. Heavy databases, with hundreds of thousands of records can be easily built, searched, modified and new records added. You are in total control. Learning how to work with databases with WebDNA will take only a few hours. Sophisticated searching can be accomplished without having to learn MySQL, PostGres or Microsoft SQL. Heavy databases, with hundreds of thousands of records can be easily built, searched, modified and new records added. You are in total control. WebDNA Team


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