[SearchString] usage

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numero = 11623
interpreted = N
texte = I'm having trouble using [SearchString] in several situations using the 2.0f3 plug-in.First is in my logfile. The results pages uses this:[AppendFile access.log][date] [time] [SearchString] [/AppendFile]But the logfile shows:05/27/1997 02:45:05 [SearchString] 05/27/1997 02:48:06 [SearchString] 05/27/1997 11:41:30 [SearchString] etc.Why? Is [searchString] no longer supported? If so, how could I get the same functionality for tracking user search criteria?The other place it doesn't work is on a results page, which outputs:Found 17 photos that match [searchString] and returned [numReturned] of those items.Weird. It's figuring out [numFound] = 17, but not the other two WebDNA variables. Why?------- Richard Shapiro rshapiro@infoasis.com Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [SearchString] usage (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  2. Re: [SearchString] usage (John Hill 1997)
  3. Re: [SearchString] usage (Richard Shapiro 1997)
  4. Re: [SearchString] usage (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  5. Re: [SearchString] usage (John Hill 1997)
  6. [SearchString] usage (Richard Shapiro 1997)
I'm having trouble using [SearchString] in several situations using the 2.0f3 plug-in.First is in my logfile. The results pages uses this:[AppendFile access.log][date] [time] [SearchString] [/AppendFile]But the logfile shows:05/27/1997 02:45:05 [SearchString] 05/27/1997 02:48:06 [SearchString] 05/27/1997 11:41:30 [SearchString] etc.Why? Is [searchString] no longer supported? If so, how could I get the same functionality for tracking user search criteria?The other place it doesn't work is on a results page, which outputs:Found 17 photos that match [searchString] and returned [numReturned] of those items.Weird. It's figuring out [numFound] = 17, but not the other two WebDNA variables. Why?------- Richard Shapiro rshapiro@infoasis.com Richard Shapiro


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