Re: WebCat with WebTen

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numero = 18223
interpreted = N
texte = >After force-quitting a locked WebTen server and restarting to find >excerpts from a WebCat user database in WebTen's Access Log three times >in the past hour, I have to start looking for a new option. Right now I'm >using the plug-in.Do you have anough RAM to give WebTEN a bunch more RAM? Based on what I've read about WebTen's RAM grabbing techniques, it seems like if WebTen has enough RAM, this would not happen ... but you might need LOTS of RAM to prevent it ...>Would switching to the ACGI prevent the two from >apparently stomping on each other's memory?Yes! Any RAM you give to the WebCatalog ACGI cannot be 'grabbed' dynamically by WebTen, because it's already been allocated exclusively to the ACGI.Sincerely, Ken Grome 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: WebCat with WebTen ( (SJ ter Welle) 1998)
  2. Re: WebCat with WebTen (Britt T. 1998)
  3. Re: WebCat with WebTen (Rob Marquardt 1998)
  4. Re: WebCat with WebTen (Britt T. 1998)
  5. Re: WebCat with WebTen (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  6. Re: WebCat with WebTen (PCS Technical Support 1998)
  7. Re: WebCat with WebTen (Peter Ostry 1998)
  8. Re: WebCat with WebTen (Rob Marquardt 1998)
  9. WebCat with WebTen (Rob Marquardt 1998)
>After force-quitting a locked WebTen server and restarting to find >excerpts from a WebCat user database in WebTen's Access Log three times >in the past hour, I have to start looking for a new option. Right now I'm >using the plug-in.Do you have anough RAM to give WebTEN a bunch more RAM? Based on what I've read about WebTen's RAM grabbing techniques, it seems like if WebTen has enough RAM, this would not happen ... but you might need LOTS of RAM to prevent it ...>Would switching to the ACGI prevent the two from >apparently stomping on each other's memory?Yes! Any RAM you give to the WebCatalog ACGI cannot be 'grabbed' dynamically by WebTen, because it's already been allocated exclusively to the ACGI.Sincerely, Ken Grome 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions Kenneth Grome


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