Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test?

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texte = --Apple-Mail-58-192514588 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Actually MySql has a heap function that lets you run everything in ram and yes its fast, but is not use by folks because it doesn't fit best practices. Robert Minor Director of Internet Services ------------------------------------------------------------ Cybermill Communications Providing Ecommerce and interactive website development and hosting services on Macintosh, Windows NT, *nix, and AS/400. Complete ddos proof hosting solutions and network services. On Mar 4, 2009, at 1:48 PM, wrote: > In the current test, > it first wait 2 seconds, something that the php test does not do, it > commits database to disk, something that obviously php does not do, > it does 2 searchs with [search] and [lookup], when the php test only > does a single one etc... and in spite of this, WebDNA is about twice > as fast as the php test. > > I guess a "real world" test would be to append more DB records, then > do more search and finally delete. I do not think that adding and > deleting 500 folders is really representative of either WebDNA or > PHP performances. In my opinion, a "real" test should show a large > superiority of WebDNA over php/mysql and would be welcomed for > site! :-) > > chris > > > > On Mar 4, 2009, at 16:46, Dan Strong wrote: > >> Interesting. So do you think the results are displayed incorrectly >> on the php/mySQL test (i.e. a decimal is moved over a few places, >> etc.)? >> -Dan >> >> >> On Wed, 4 Mar 2009 16:41:26 -0200 >> wrote: >>> with a chronometer in hand, i get the WebDNA test complete twice >>> as fast as the php/mysql one (4s30 for the WebDNA and 9s for the >>> php one). >>> chris >>> On Mar 4, 2009, at 16:25, Dan Strong wrote: >>>> Please explain. I am looking for anything to refute this test or >>>> make it more accurate, since I just went up against my IT dept, >>>> as a WebDNA advocate, and am not ready to concede defeat just >>>> yet. -Dan >>>> >>>> >>>> On Wed, 4 Mar 2009 16:27:03 -0200 >>>> wrote: >>>>> "Create 500 folders named 1-500 0.01627s / 1 tick".... not >>>>> sure if this is reliable. >>>>> On Mar 4, 2009, at 16:19, Ki Song wrote: >>>>>> Is the "This Task (seconds / ticks)" column referring to PHP/ >>>>>> mySQL >>>>>> times and the "Total (seconds / ticks)" referring to WebDNA >>>>>> times? >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 1:07 PM, Dan Strong >>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>> I can't believe not a single person replied to this. From what >>>>>>> I can see, >>>>>>> unfortunately, php/mySQL beats the pants off of WebDNA in >>>>>>> terms of speed, by >>>>>>> nearly 10 to 1 :( -Dan >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Tue, 03 Mar 2009 17:23:21 -0800 >>>>>>> "Dan Strong" wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> I had someone code this for me. Admittedly, I am no php/ >>>>>>>> mySQL expert, but >>>>>>>> if the code is an actual apples-to-apples comparison, then >>>>>>>> the results are >>>>>>>> very interesting and not at all what I expected. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Working example here: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>>>> -Dan >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Mon, 02 Mar 2009 16:20:07 -0800 >>>>>>>> "Dan Strong" wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Has anyone done an apple-to-apples comparison of php/mySQL >>>>>>>>> vs. WebDNA. >>>>>>>>> The php/mySQL people I ask keep pointing me to 'similar' >>>>>>>>> tests that "do a >>>>>>>>> bunch of stuff", but I'd like to see a side-by-side >>>>>>>>> comparison of php/mySQL >>>>>>>>> doing exactly what the WebDNA Speed Test does (i.e. write >>>>>>>>> 500 folders then >>>>>>>>> delete them, etc.). Anybody? >>>>>>>>> -Dan >>>>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>> This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to >>>>>>>>> the mailing list . >>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe, E-mail to: >>>>>>>>> archives: >>>>>>>>> old archives: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>> This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to >>>>>>>> the mailing list . >>>>>>>> To unsubscribe, E-mail to: >>>>>>>> archives: >>>>>>>> old archives: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>> This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to >>>>>>> the mailing list . >>>>>>> To unsubscribe, E-mail to: >>>>>>> archives: >>>>>>> old archives: >>>>>>> >>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>> This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to >>>>>> the mailing list . >>>>>> To unsubscribe, E-mail to: >>>>>> archives: >>>>>> old archives: >>>>> --------------------------------------------------------- >>>>> This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to >>>>> the mailing list . >>>>> To unsubscribe, E-mail to: >>>>> archives: >>>>> old archives: >>>> >>>> --------------------------------------------------------- >>>> This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to >>>> the mailing list . >>>> To unsubscribe, E-mail to: >>>> archives: >>>> old archives: >>> --------------------------------------------------------- >>> This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to >>> the mailing list . >>> To unsubscribe, E-mail to: >>> archives: >>> old archives: >> >> --------------------------------------------------------- >> This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to >> the mailing list . >> To unsubscribe, E-mail to: >> archives: >> old archives: > > --------------------------------------------------------- > This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to > the mailing list . > To unsubscribe, E-mail to: > archives: > old archives: --Apple-Mail-58-192514588 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=smime.p7s Content-Type: application/pkcs7-signature; name=smime.p7s Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAqCAMIACAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAQAAoIILHTCCBN0w ggPFoAMCAQICEHGS++YZX6xNEoV0cTSiGKcwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQAwezELMAkGA1UEBhMCR0Ix GzAZBgNVBAgMEkdyZWF0ZXIgTWFuY2hlc3RlcjEQMA4GA1UEBwwHU2FsZm9yZDEaMBgGA1UECgwR Q29tb2RvIENBIExpbWl0ZWQxITAfBgNVBAMMGEFBQSBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZSBTZXJ2aWNlczAeFw0w NDAxMDEwMDAwMDBaFw0yODEyMzEyMzU5NTlaMIGuMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzELMAkGA1UECBMCVVQx FzAVBgNVBAcTDlNhbHQgTGFrZSBDaXR5MR4wHAYDVQQKExVUaGUgVVNFUlRSVVNUIE5ldHdvcmsx ITAfBgNVBAsTGGh0dHA6Ly93d3cudXNlcnRydXN0LmNvbTE2MDQGA1UEAxMtVVROLVVTRVJGaXJz dC1DbGllbnQgQXV0aGVudGljYXRpb24gYW5kIEVtYWlsMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8A MIIBCgKCAQEAsjmFpPJ9q0E7YkY3rs3BYHW8OWX5ShpHornMSMxqmNVNNRm5pELlzkniii8efNIx B8dOtINknS4p1aJkxIW9hVE1eaROaJB7HHqkkqgX8pgV8pPMyaQylbsMTzC9mKALi+VuG6JG+ni8 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  1. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? ( 2012)
  2. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? ( 2012)
  3. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  4. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  5. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? ( 2009)
  6. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? ( 2009)
  7. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? ( 2009)
  8. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  9. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? (Bob Minor 2009)
  10. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? ( 2009)
  11. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  12. RE: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? ("David Taniguchi" 2009)
  13. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? (Donovan Brooke 2009)
  14. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  15. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? (Bob Minor 2009)
  16. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? ( 2009)
  17. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  18. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? (Bob Minor 2009)
  19. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  20. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  21. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? (Ki Song 2009)
  22. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  23. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? ( 2009)
  24. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? ("Gary Krockover" 2009)
  25. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? (Bob Minor 2009)
  26. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? (Rich Kwas 2009)
  27. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? (Ki Song 2009)
  28. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  29. Re: [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  30. [WebDNA] php/mySQL version of WebDNA Speed Test? ("Dan Strong" 2009)
--Apple-Mail-58-192514588 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Actually MySql has a heap function that lets you run everything in ram and yes its fast, but is not use by folks because it doesn't fit best practices. Robert Minor Director of Internet Services ------------------------------------------------------------ Cybermill Communications Providing Ecommerce and interactive website development and hosting services on Macintosh, Windows NT, *nix, and AS/400. Complete ddos proof hosting solutions and network services. On Mar 4, 2009, at 1:48 PM, wrote: > In the current test, > it first wait 2 seconds, something that the php test does not do, it > commits database to disk, something that obviously php does not do, > it does 2 searchs with [search] and [lookup], when the php test only > does a single one etc... and in spite of this, WebDNA is about twice > as fast as the php test. > > I guess a "real world" test would be to append more DB records, then > do more search and finally delete. I do not think that adding and > deleting 500 folders is really representative of either WebDNA or > PHP performances. In my opinion, a "real" test should show a large > superiority of WebDNA over php/mysql and would be welcomed for > site! :-) > > chris > > > > On Mar 4, 2009, at 16:46, Dan Strong wrote: > >> Interesting. So do you think the results are displayed incorrectly >> on the php/mySQL test (i.e. a decimal is moved over a few places, >> etc.)? >> -Dan >> >> >> On Wed, 4 Mar 2009 16:41:26 -0200 >> wrote: >>> with a chronometer in hand, i get the WebDNA test complete twice >>> as fast as the php/mysql one (4s30 for the WebDNA and 9s for the >>> php one). >>> chris >>> On Mar 4, 2009, at 16:25, Dan Strong wrote: >>>> Please explain. I am looking for anything to refute this test or >>>> make it more accurate, since I just went up against my IT dept, >>>> as a WebDNA advocate, and am not ready to concede defeat just >>>> yet. -Dan >>>> >>>> >>>> On Wed, 4 Mar 2009 16:27:03 -0200 >>>> wrote: >>>>> "Create 500 folders named 1-500 0.01627s / 1 tick".... not >>>>> sure if this is reliable. >>>>> On Mar 4, 2009, at 16:19, Ki Song wrote: >>>>>> Is the "This Task (seconds / ticks)" column referring to PHP/ >>>>>> mySQL >>>>>> times and the "Total (seconds / ticks)" referring to WebDNA >>>>>> times? >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 1:07 PM, Dan Strong >>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>> I can't believe not a single person replied to this. From what >>>>>>> I can see, >>>>>>> unfortunately, php/mySQL beats the pants off of WebDNA in >>>>>>> terms of speed, by >>>>>>> nearly 10 to 1 :( -Dan >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Tue, 03 Mar 2009 17:23:21 -0800 >>>>>>> "Dan Strong" wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> I had someone code this for me. Admittedly, I am no php/ >>>>>>>> mySQL expert, but >>>>>>>> if the code is an actual apples-to-apples comparison, then >>>>>>>> the results are >>>>>>>> very interesting and not at all what I expected. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Working example here: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>>>> -Dan >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Mon, 02 Mar 2009 16:20:07 -0800 >>>>>>>> "Dan Strong" wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Has anyone done an apple-to-apples comparison of php/mySQL >>>>>>>>> vs. WebDNA. >>>>>>>>> The php/mySQL people I ask keep pointing me to 'similar' >>>>>>>>> tests that "do a >>>>>>>>> bunch of stuff", but I'd like to see a side-by-side >>>>>>>>> comparison of php/mySQL >>>>>>>>> doing exactly what the WebDNA Speed Test does (i.e. write >>>>>>>>> 500 folders then >>>>>>>>> delete them, etc.). Anybody? >>>>>>>>> -Dan >>>>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>> This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to >>>>>>>>> the mailing list . >>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe, E-mail to: >>>>>>>>> archives: >>>>>>>>> old archives: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>> This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to >>>>>>>> the mailing list . >>>>>>>> To unsubscribe, E-mail to: >>>>>>>> archives: >>>>>>>> old archives: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>> This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to >>>>>>> the mailing list . >>>>>>> To unsubscribe, E-mail to: >>>>>>> archives: >>>>>>> old archives: >>>>>>> >>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>> This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to >>>>>> the mailing list . >>>>>> To unsubscribe, E-mail to: >>>>>> archives: >>>>>> old archives: 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