Re: [WebDNA] trigger won't follow path? maybe

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numero = 102477
interpreted = N
texte = sbraun wrote: > Hi All, > > Here's a new one for me.... > I have a script that works fine when I type in the URL into a browser, > but it won't work when the same file is called on by a trigger from my > sandbox. > It seems to get hung up on the path to the .db in a [search] command. > Why would it work fine when called in an active browser window, but not > function when called by a trigger? > > Any insight is appreciated. > sfb Do you know for sure the trigger is hitting the page? Donovan -- Donovan Brooke WebDNA Software Corporation **[Square Bracket Utopia]** Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] trigger won't follow path? maybe (Donovan Brooke 2009)
  2. Re: [WebDNA] trigger won't follow path? maybe (sbraun 2009)
  3. Re: [WebDNA] trigger won't follow path? maybe (Donovan Brooke 2009)
  4. [WebDNA] trigger won't follow path? maybe (sbraun 2009)
sbraun wrote: > Hi All, > > Here's a new one for me.... > I have a script that works fine when I type in the URL into a browser, > but it won't work when the same file is called on by a trigger from my > sandbox. > It seems to get hung up on the path to the .db in a [search] command. > Why would it work fine when called in an active browser window, but not > function when called by a trigger? > > Any insight is appreciated. > sfb Do you know for sure the trigger is hitting the page? Donovan -- Donovan Brooke WebDNA Software Corporation **[Square Bracket Utopia]** Donovan Brooke


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