This WebDNA talk-list message is from


It keeps the original formatting.
numero = 15096
interpreted = N
texte = Hello all, I'm sorry it's not WEBCAT issue, but I could not stop myself from sending this. I hope you enjoy it. ---------------------------------------------------- >Bill Gates meets Satan. Wiiiiilliam Gaaaates... > Oh, hi, Satan. What's up downstairs? >It's tiiiiime... > Yeah, but we're still debugging Memphis, and Ballmer swears >he'll wipe out Adobe before lunch, and Melinda wants to change >the tile in the third-floor kitchen again, and... >Sorry, Bill. I've given you too many extensions already, not >to mention the Oracle8 launch event disaster, not to mention >Steve Jobs' head on a platter. >Yeah, that was a good one. I think you enjoy this as much as >I... >Regardless, a deal's a deal. Your soul is mine, Bill Gates. >And today is the day you pay your eternal debt to me. >Now, let's be reasonable here, Satan... >Reasonable?!? You want reasonable?!? You're the richest man >in the world! You've got a beautiful wife and daughter! >Microsoft is the most powerful company on the planet! We're even >using NT to run hell's WAN server! And frankly, it sucks. >That's one of the reasons I've come to collect. If you can't get >my network to run right, you'll spend the afterlife writing >Windows applications that run on doorbells... >What's your alternative, Satan? Netware? AppleTalk? OS/2? >You're a funny guy for someone who breathes fire. >Well, God is porting all his heaven-critical applications to >Java... >Java?!? Stop it, Satan. You're going to make me wet my pants >again like that time you told me to buy Novell for $50 a share. >Yes, Java, running on Sun servers, IBM plumbing and Oracle >databases with thin clients accessing the apps via the web >through Netscape Navigator. >That's not a solution, that's one of those Grimm's fairy tales >that scare children to death. I have yet to see an NC actually >being used to do anything except crash during demonstrations. >Look, Java is a nice little language for animating web sites, but >Shockwave after too many espressos isn't going to displace >Windows as an applications platform on hundreds of millions of >PCs. >Nevertheless, Java is the future of computing, and I'll be >damned if I'm going to give God a strategic technology advantage! >Satan, what if I told you I could kill off Java with a single >word? >Interesting. Tell me more. >Wait a minute. What's in it for me? >I promise I won't turn you into Larry Ellison's bidet right >this second. >Okay, that works for me. Here's the word...disable. >Disable what? >Disable Java support in Internet Explorer. >You mean Microsoft's web browser won't run Java anymore? >That's right, brimstone breath. You want to run Java, give >Netscape 50 bucks per seat and pray that IBM doesn't buy the >company to merge Communicator with Lotus Notes. >The Department of Justice will... >Will what? Punish me because I won't support a product my >enemies want to use to destroy my company? Chevrolet dealers >don't have to sell Fords. Pepsi's restaurants don't have to >offer Coke. Why does Microsoft have to support Java? >It's an industry standard... >It's an industry hallucination. >There will be a public outcry... >From who? Network managers? MIS? The CIO? They're up to >their nosehairs in Cobol getting ready for January 1, 2000. To >them, Java is still a cute word for coffee. >What about all those spiffy applets on thousands of web sites? >Microsoft owns 100 percent of the Apple and Windows preload >market for browsers, and our overall share has gone from zero to >half in two years. It's a safe bet most people will soon use IE >for web access. If they come to a site that doesn't work because >of Java, they'll simply jump to the next one. Trust me, developers will >switch to >ActiveX faster than you can say 'Playstation.' >What about other platforms... >Like Intel has competition? >Interactive TV... >We call it WebTV in Redmond. >Venture capitalists have invested billions... >To get a date with Kim Polese. >Sun will write a plug-in... >Not without the hidden APIs. >Of all my minions, you are my very favorite, Bill. You may >stay. >Thanks, Satan. Now, about that Exchange license agreement... >-- !!! !!! !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!!!!! !!!!!! !!! !!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Natalie M. Rezonoff, Webmaster !!! Shani Information Technologies !!!!! !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. [WebDNA] Solution to PrivateTmp setting and "Sorry WebDNA server not (WebDNA Solutions 2019)
  2. RE: [WebDNA] CRITICAL ISSUE: PrivateTmp and "Sorry WebDNA server not ("Scott @ Itsula" 2019)
  3. Re: [WebDNA] CRITICAL ISSUE: PrivateTmp and "Sorry WebDNA server not (Stuart Tremain 2019)
  4. Re: [WebDNA] CRITICAL ISSUE: PrivateTmp and "Sorry WebDNA server not (Stuart Tremain 2019)
  5. Re: [WebDNA] CRITICAL ISSUE: PrivateTmp and "Sorry WebDNA server not (Stuart Tremain 2019)
  6. [WebDNA] CRITICAL ISSUE: PrivateTmp and "Sorry WebDNA server not running" (WebDNA Solutions 2019)
  7. RE: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow speeds ("Terry Nair" 2019)
  8. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow (Stuart Tremain 2019)
  9. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow speeds (Tom Duke 2019)
  10. RE: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow ("Scott @ Itsula" 2019)
  11. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow ( 2019)
  12. RE: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow ("Scott @ Itsula" 2019)
  13. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow (WebDNA Solutions 2019)
  14. RE: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow ("Scott @ Itsula" 2019)
  15. RE: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow ("Scott @ Itsula" 2019)
  16. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow (WebDNA Solutions 2019)
  17. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow (WebDNA Solutions 2019)
  18. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow (Patrick McCormick 2019)
  19. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow speeds (Brian Harrington 2019)
  20. RE: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow ("Scott @ Itsula" 2019)
  21. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow speeds (Brian Harrington 2019)
  22. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow speeds (Stuart Tremain 2019)
  23. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow speeds (Brian Harrington 2019)
  24. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow (WebDNA Solutions 2019)
  25. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow (WebDNA Solutions 2019)
  26. RE: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow ("Scott @ Itsula" 2019)
  27. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow speeds (Brian Harrington 2019)
  28. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow (WebDNA Solutions 2019)
  29. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow (Stuart Tremain 2019)
  30. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow speeds (Brian Harrington 2019)
  31. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow (H - Powerpalle 2019)
  32. [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running /Template ERROR/ Slow speeds (Brian Harrington 2019)
  33. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running - September 2019 Edition (H - Powerpalle 2019)
  34. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running - September 2019 Edition ( 2019)
  35. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running - September 2019 Edition (H - Powerpalle 2019)
  36. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running - September 2019 Edition (H - Powerpalle 2019)
  37. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running - September 2019 Edition ( 2019)
  38. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running - September 2019 Edition (H - Powerpalle 2019)
  39. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running - September 2019 Edition (Donovan Brooke 2019)
  40. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running - September 2019 Edition (H - Powerpalle 2019)
  41. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running - September 2019 Edition (H - Powerpalle 2019)
  42. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running - September 2019 Edition ( 2019)
  43. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running - September 2019 Edition (Donovan Brooke 2019)
  44. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running - September 2019 Edition (H - Powerpalle 2019)
  45. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running - September 2019 Edition (H - Powerpalle 2019)
  46. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running - September 2019 Edition (Donovan Brooke 2019)
  47. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running - September 2019 Edition (H - Powerpalle 2019)
  48. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running - September 2019 Edition (Donovan Brooke 2019)
  49. [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running - September 2019 Edition (H - Powerpalle 2019)
  50. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA not running message (Stuart Tremain 2019)
  51. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA not running message (Bob Minor 2019)
  52. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA not running message (Bob Minor 2019)
  53. [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA not running message (Stephen Braun 2019)
  54. Re: [WebDNA] macOS 10.13.3 and WebDNA Mac Server 8.5.1 - hick-up (Stuart Tremain 2019)
  55. Re: [WebDNA] macOS 10.13.3 and WebDNA Mac Server 8.5.1 - hick-up (H PowerPalle 2019)
  56. [WebDNA] Error: Sorry WebDNA server not running. (Palle Bo Nielsen 2018)
  57. [WebDNA] [OT] Sorry just some email issues (Steve Craig 2018)
  58. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running. ( 2017)
  59. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running. (Kenneth Grome 2017)
  60. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running. (Kenneth Grome 2017)
  61. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running. (Bob Minor 2017)
  62. [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running. (Kenneth Grome 2017)
  63. Re: [WebDNA] 6.2 Sorry WebDNA server not running (Donovan Brooke 2015)
  64. Re: [WebDNA] 6.2 Sorry WebDNA server not running ("WJ Starck, DDS" 2015)
  65. Re: [WebDNA] 6.2 Sorry WebDNA server not running ("Matthew A Perosi, Psi Prime" 2015)
  66. Re: [WebDNA] 6.2 Sorry WebDNA server not running (Donovan Brooke 2015)
  67. Re: [WebDNA] 6.2 Sorry WebDNA server not running (Matthew Perosi 2015)
  68. Re: [WebDNA] 6.2 Sorry WebDNA server not running (Kenneth Grome 2015)
  69. [WebDNA] 6.2 Sorry WebDNA server not running ("Matthew A Perosi, Psi Prime" 2015)
  70. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running (Palle Bo Nielsen 2015)
  71. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running ( 2015)
  72. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running (Palle Bo Nielsen 2015)
  73. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running. (Dan Strong 2015)
  74. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running. (Kenneth Grome 2015)
  75. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running. (Dan Strong 2015)
  76. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running. (Kenneth Grome 2015)
  77. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running. (Dan Strong 2015)
  78. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running. ("Psi Prime Inc, Matthew A Perosi " 2015)
  79. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running. (Dan Strong 2015)
  80. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running. (Kenneth Grome 2015)
  81. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running. ( 2015)
  82. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running. ( 2015)
  83. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running. (Steve Craig 2015)
  84. [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running. (Kenneth Grome 2015)
  85. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running ( 2014)
  86. [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running ("mainlighting ." 2014)
  87. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running ( 2014)
  88. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running (Palle 2014)
  89. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running ( 2014)
  90. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running (Stephen Reiss 2014)
  91. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running ( 2014)
  92. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running (Palle 2014)
  93. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running (Donovan Brooke 2014)
  94. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running ("Psi Prime Inc, Matthew A Perosi " 2014)
  95. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running (Donovan Brooke 2014)
  96. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running (Donovan Brooke 2014)
  97. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running (Marc Thompson 2014)
  98. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running (Phil Ronchetti 2014)
  99. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running ( 2014)
  100. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running (Matthew Perisi 2014)
  101. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running (Paul Willis 2014)
  102. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running (frederite 2014)
  103. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running (Paul Willis 2014)
  104. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running (frederite 2014)
  105. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running ( 2014)
  106. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running (frederite 2014)
  107. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running ( 2014)
  108. [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running (frederite 2014)
  109. [WebDNA] [TEST] Again, sorry ("Will Starck" 2009)
  110. [WebDNA] [Test] sorry, last one ("Will Starck" 2009)
  111. Re: [WebDNA] [test] last one, sorry...:p ("Vijay-Kumar Solanki" 2009)
  112. RE: [WebDNA] [test] last one, sorry...:p ("Will Starck" 2009)
  113. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running. (Clint Davis 2008)
  114. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running. ( 2008)
  115. [WebDNA] Sorry WebDNA server not running. (Kenneth Grome 2008)
  116. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry, WebCatalog server not running. ( 2008)
  117. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry, WebCatalog server not running. (David Doda 2008)
  118. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry, WebCatalog server not running. (Kenneth Grome 2008)
  119. Re: [WebDNA] Sorry, WebCatalog server not running. ( 2008)
  120. [WebDNA] Sorry, WebCatalog server not running. (Kenneth Grome 2008)
  121. Sorry another test - please ignore ( Steve Craig 2005)
  122. Sorry another test - please ignore ( Steve Craig 2005)
  123. Re: hiding the "Sorry WebDNA server not running" message ( Stuart Tremain 2005)
  124. hiding the "Sorry WebDNA server not running" message ( Mark Tran 2005)
  125. Re: Sorry, WebDNA Server Not Running! ( "Ross Markbreiter" 2005)
  126. Re: Sorry, WebDNA Server Not Running! ( Scott Szretter 2005)
  127. Re: Sorry, WebDNA Server Not Running! ( "Ross Markbreiter" 2005)
  128. Re: Sorry, WebDNA Server Not Running! ( "Nitai @ ComputerOil" 2005)
  129. Re: Sorry, WebDNA Server Not Running! ( Chris Wilkinson 2005)
  130. Re: Sorry, WebDNA Server Not Running! ( "Ross Markbreiter" 2005)
  131. Re: Sorry, WebDNA Server Not Running! ( "Nitai @ ComputerOil" 2005)
  132. Re: Sorry, WebDNA Server Not Running! ( Clint Davis 2005)
  133. Re: Sorry, WebDNA Server Not Running! ( Ross Markbreiter 2005)
  134. Sorry, WebDNA Server Not Running! ( Clint Davis 2005)
  135. Testing Message Rule, Sorry Guys! ( "Tommy - Virtualrep Inc." 2004)
  136. WebDNA resources (Was: Re: I am sorry...) ( Frank Nordberg 2004)
  137. Re: I am sorry for always being such an a## ( "Brian Boegershausen" 2004)
  138. Test, sorry ( Robert Kudrle 2004)
  139. Re: I am sorry for always being such an ass ( "Andrew Simpson" 2004)
  140. Re: I am sorry for always being such an ass ( Gary Krockover 2004)
  141. I am sorry for always being such an ass ( "ken grome" 2004)
  142. Sorry just a test ... ( Marc Kaiwi 2004)
  143. Quick test - sorry ( Steve Craig 2004)
  144. Test - sorry ( "Morten Madsen" 2003)
  145. Re: Test - sorry (Alain Russell 2003)
  146. Test - sorry (Tim Robinson 2003)
  147. Re: Dang... Sorry, WebDNA server not running (again)? (Alain Russell 2003)
  148. Re: Dang... Sorry, WebDNA server not running (again)? (Alain Russell 2003)
  149. Dang... Sorry, WebDNA server not running (again)? (WJ Starck 2003)
  150. Re: Sorry WebDNA server not running (Larry Goodhew 2002)
  151. Re: Sorry WebDNA server not running (Ben Swihart 2002)
  152. Re: Sorry WebDNA server not running (Larry Goodhew 2002)
  153. Re: Sorry WebDNA server not running (WJ Starck 2002)
  154. Re: Sorry WebDNA server not running (Ben Swihart 2002)
  155. Re: Sorry WebDNA server not running (NovaDerm Skincare Science 2002)
  156. Sorry WebDNA server not running (Ben Swihart 2002)
  157. Re: Sorry, WebCatalog Server Not Running (Alain Russell 2002)
  158. Re: Sorry, WebCatalog Server Not Running (Ben Swihart 2002)
  159. Re: Sorry, WebCatalog Server Not Running (Jesse Williams-Proudman 2002)
  160. Sorry, WebCatalog Server Not Running (Ben Swihart 2002)
  161. Sorry, the WebDNA engine has reached its connection limit. (Karl Schroll 2002)
  162. Re: Sorry WebCatalog Server Not Running (sally 2002)
  163. Sorry WebCatalog Server Not Running (Ben Swihart 2002)
  164. Re: Sorry WebDNA server not running ????? (Yariv Nachshon 2002)
  165. Re: Sorry WebDNA server not running ????? (sally 2002)
  166. Re: Sorry WebDNA server not running ????? (sally 2002)
  167. Re: Sorry WebDNA server not running ????? (NovaDerm Skincare Science 2002)
  168. Re: Sorry WebDNA server not running ????? (sally 2002)
  169. Re: Sorry WebDNA server not running ????? (NovaDerm Skincare Science 2002)
  170. Re: Sorry WebDNA server not running ????? (sally 2002)
  171. Re: Sorry WebDNA server not running ????? (Yariv Nachshon 2002)
  172. Re: Sorry WebDNA server not running ????? (Dale Therio 2002)
  173. Re: Sorry WebDNA server not running ????? (lb Lawrence 2002)
  174. Sorry WebDNA server not running ????? (Yariv Nachshon 2002)
  175. Re: 'Sorry WebDNA server not running.' error (Alain Russell 2002)
  176. Re: Sorry WebDNA server not running. error (Nitai @ ComputerOil 2002)
  177. Sorry WebDNA server not running. error (Yariv Nachshon 2002)
  178. Re: Sorry WebCatalog server not running. (Kalin Mintchev 2002)
  179. Re: Sorry WebCatalog server not running. (Lee Greene 2002)
  180. Re: Sorry WebCatalog server not running. (Alain Russell 2002)
  181. Sorry WebCatalog server not running. (Lee Greene 2002)
  182. Re: Sorry WebCat server not running ( (chas) 2001)
  183. Re: Sorry WebCat server not running (Le Pham 2001)
  184. Re: Sorry WebCat server not running ( (chas) 2001)
  185. Re: Sorry WebCat server not running (Patrick O'Brien 2001)
  186. Sorry WebCat server not running ( (chas) 2001)
  187. test again sorry ( (a. wippermann) 2001)
  188. test sorry ( (a. wippermann) 2001)
  189. Re: append/replace and allcase=t (sorry) (Peter Ostry 2000)
  190. Re: [search] resources (code.. longish sorry) (John Hill 2000)
  191. [search] resources (code.. longish sorry) (Parker 2000)
  192. Re: error message (sorry) (Art Vargas 2000)
  193. Re: I'm Sorry - OFF TOPIC (Charlie Romero 2000)
  194. I'm Sorry - OFF TOPIC (Alex Cheparev 2000)
  195. Oops, Sorry for the cluttter ... Re: Looking for WebCatdeveloper/contractor (Brian Wallace 2000)
  196. Re: Sorry if this is really stupid but.. (Michael O Shea 2000)
  197. Re: Sorry if this is really stupid but.. (Aaron Chute 2000)
  198. Sorry if this is really stupid but.. (Steve Craig 2000)
  199. Re: Sorry But This seems to be my fate (Christer Olsson 2000)
  200. Re: Sorry But This seems to be my fate ( 2000)
  201. Re: Sorry But This seems to be my fate (Nicolas Verhaeghe 2000)
  202. Re: Sorry But This seems to be my fate (Christer Olsson 2000)
  203. Re: Sorry But This seems to be my fate ( 2000)
  204. Re: Sorry But This seems to be my fate (Alex McCombie 2000)
  205. Re: Sorry But This seems to be my fate (WebDNA Support 2000)
  206. Sorry But This seems to be my fate (Alex McCombie 2000)
  207. Re: Sorry for the simple Question.. (PCS Technical Support 1999)
  208. Re: Sorry for the simple Question.. (Nicolas Verhaeghe 1999)
  209. Sorry for the simple Question.. (Alex McCombie 1999)
  210. Re: This is a Test, sorry (Nicolas Verhaeghe 1999)
  211. This is a Test, sorry (Anup Setty 1999)
  212. Re: Non expiring cookies again (*sorry*) (Josh Tiger 1999)
  213. Re: Non expiring cookies again (*sorry*) (Kenneth Grome 1999)
  214. Non expiring cookies again (*sorry*) (Will Starck 1999)
  215. testing new mail server sorry (charles kline 1998)
  216. Re: Testing, Sorry (Kimberly Wyrick 1998)
  217. Testing, Sorry (Raymond Hatch 1998)
  218. 100% sorry about that (Gary Richter 1998)
  219. Sorry Off Topic! (Raymond Hatch 1998)
  220. Re: NetForms for mail, sorry (Christer Olsson 1998)
  221. Re: NetForms for mail, sorry (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  222. Re: NetForms for mail, sorry (Peter Ostry 1998)
  223. Re: NetForms for mail, sorry (Christer Olsson 1998)
  224. NetForms for mail, sorry (Peter Ostry 1998)
  225. Sorry - the list went haywire... (Jay Van Vark 1998)
  226. validatin on NT (sorry for the dups and etc) (bob 1998)
  227. Re: Sorry I didn't pay attention-but ??? ( (Gary Richter) 1997)
  228. Re: Sorry I didn't pay attention-but ??? (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  229. Sorry I didn't pay attention-but ??? ( (Gary Richter) 1997)
  230. SORRY (natasha 1997)
  231. sorry (Brian B. Burton 1997)
  232. Re: WebDNA Solutions ... sorry! (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  233. Re: WebDNA Solutions ... sorry! (Gil Poulsen 1997)
  234. Re: WebDNA Solutions ... sorry! ( (Gary Richter) 1997)
  235. Re: WebDNA Solutions ... sorry! (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  236. WebDNA Solutions ... sorry! (Kenneth Grome 1997)
Hello all, I'm sorry it's not WEBCAT issue, but I could not stop myself from sending this. I hope you enjoy it. ---------------------------------------------------- >Bill Gates meets Satan. Wiiiiilliam Gaaaates... > Oh, hi, Satan. What's up downstairs? >It's tiiiiime... > Yeah, but we're still debugging Memphis, and Ballmer swears >he'll wipe out Adobe before lunch, and Melinda wants to change >the tile in the third-floor kitchen again, and... >Sorry, Bill. I've given you too many extensions already, not >to mention the Oracle8 launch event disaster, not to mention >Steve Jobs' head on a platter. >Yeah, that was a good one. I think you enjoy this as much as >I... >Regardless, a deal's a deal. Your soul is mine, Bill Gates. >And today is the day you pay your eternal debt to me. >Now, let's be reasonable here, Satan... >Reasonable?!? You want reasonable?!? You're the richest man >in the world! You've got a beautiful wife and daughter! >Microsoft is the most powerful company on the planet! We're even >using NT to run hell's WAN server! And frankly, it sucks. >That's one of the reasons I've come to collect. If you can't get >my network to run right, you'll spend the afterlife writing >Windows applications that run on doorbells... >What's your alternative, Satan? Netware? AppleTalk? OS/2? >You're a funny guy for someone who breathes fire. >Well, God is porting all his heaven-critical applications to >Java... >Java?!? Stop it, Satan. You're going to make me wet my pants >again like that time you told me to buy Novell for $50 a share. >Yes, Java, running on Sun servers, IBM plumbing and Oracle >databases with thin clients accessing the apps via the web >through Netscape Navigator. >That's not a solution, that's one of those Grimm's fairy tales >that scare children to death. I have yet to see an NC actually >being used to do anything except crash during demonstrations. >Look, Java is a nice little language for animating web sites, but >Shockwave after too many espressos isn't going to displace >Windows as an applications platform on hundreds of millions of >PCs. >Nevertheless, Java is the future of computing, and I'll be >damned if I'm going to give God a strategic technology advantage! >Satan, what if I told you I could kill off Java with a single >word? >Interesting. Tell me more. >Wait a minute. What's in it for me? >I promise I won't turn you into Larry Ellison's bidet right >this second. >Okay, that works for me. Here's the word...disable. >Disable what? >Disable Java support in Internet Explorer. >You mean Microsoft's web browser won't run Java anymore? >That's right, brimstone breath. You want to run Java, give >Netscape 50 bucks per seat and pray that IBM doesn't buy the >company to merge Communicator with Lotus Notes. >The Department of Justice will... >Will what? Punish me because I won't support a product my >enemies want to use to destroy my company? Chevrolet dealers >don't have to sell Fords. Pepsi's restaurants don't have to >offer Coke. Why does Microsoft have to support Java? >It's an industry standard... >It's an industry hallucination. >There will be a public outcry... >From who? Network managers? MIS? The CIO? They're up to >their nosehairs in Cobol getting ready for January 1, 2000. To >them, Java is still a cute word for coffee. >What about all those spiffy applets on thousands of web sites? >Microsoft owns 100 percent of the Apple and Windows preload >market for browsers, and our overall share has gone from zero to >half in two years. It's a safe bet most people will soon use IE >for web access. If they come to a site that doesn't work because >of Java, they'll simply jump to the next one. Trust me, developers will >switch to >ActiveX faster than you can say 'Playstation.' >What about other platforms... >Like Intel has competition? >Interactive TV... >We call it WebTV in Redmond. >Venture capitalists have invested billions... >To get a date with Kim Polese. >Sun will write a plug-in... >Not without the hidden APIs. >Of all my minions, you are my very favorite, Bill. You may >stay. >Thanks, Satan. Now, about that Exchange license agreement... >-- !!! !!! !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!!!!! !!!!!! !!! !!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Natalie M. Rezonoff, Webmaster !!! Shani Information Technologies !!!!! !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! natasha


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Talk List

The WebDNA community talk-list is the best place to get some help: several hundred extremely proficient programmers with an excellent knowledge of WebDNA and an excellent spirit will deliver all the tips and tricks you can imagine...

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